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Call For Proposals for The PCIEERD Capability Development Program – For 2023 Funding

With the aim of complementing the human resources and institution needs and requirements of the industry, energy, and emerging technology research and development sectors, making the opportunity available, PCIEERD implements the Capability Development Program (CapDev) with the following components:

a. The Institution Development Program (IDP) aims to provide funding support for establishing or upgrading the research laboratories and facilities of academic and research institutions within the PCIEERD sectoral priority areas or the Harmonized National R&D Agenda (HNRDA) where there is inadequacy of research expertise and/or facilities. The IDP shall include upgrading or setting up of research laboratories, purchase of laboratory equipment (including highly specialized software)/facilities, and small research grants aimed at developing research capabilities. The renovation of buildings/facilities or space would be the counterpart of the institution. Funds are allocated for four (4) projects/centers with funding support amounting to P 20,000,000.00 with a maximum grant of P 5M per project.

b. The Regional Research Institution (RRI) aims to develop the research capabilities of the PCIEERD Regional Consortium member institutions and eventually increase the available Researchers, Scientists, and Engineers (RSEs) in the region. This funding opportunity encourages new researchers and/or new institutions from Higher Education Institutes (HEIs), government Research and Development Institutes (RDIs), non profit S&T networks and organizations, the private sector, and other proponents seeking funding for their R&D initiatives. There are ten (10) slots available for this program amounting to P 10,000,000 with a maximum grant of P 1M per project.

c. The Good Governance through Data Science and Decision Support Systems (GODDESS) aims to provide assistance for the development of appropriate systems and technologies to address the specific needs of the National Government Agencies (NGA), Local Government Units (LGU), academic or research institutions and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and enable them to adapt data driven governance and evidence based management. There are ten (10) slots available on this program amounting to P 10,000,000.00 with a maximum grant of P 1M per project.

d. Expert Intervention for Scientific Engagement (ExpertISE) for Regional Consortia
This is open to researchers of the PCIEERD Regional Consortia. The funds is intended for an engagement with an industry partner in their regions for the identification of potential niche or project scoping, industry gaps and challenges, and the development of a project that addresses the identified gaps and challenges that can be submitted to PCIEERD or DOST for funding. All institution members of the PCIEERD Regional 16 Consortia can submit proposals. There are ten (10) slots for funding this year under this program amounting to P 5,000,000 with a maximum grant of P 500,000.00 per engagement.

e. Blockchain Program aims to provide assistance for the development of appropriate blockchain applications or systems to address specific needs of the DOST and its attached agencies which includes the DOST Central Office, R&D Institutes (ASTI, FNRI, FPRDI, ITDI, MIRDC, PTRI), DOST Councils (PCAARRD, PCHRD, PCIEERD), S&T Service Institutes (PHIVOLCS, PSHS, SEI, STII, TAPI), Collegial and Scientific Bodies (NRCP), and the Regional Offices (I, II, IV A, IV B, V, VI, VII, IX, XI, XII, XIII, CAR, NCR). This will also enable them to provide solutions for the improvement of their services and processes. There are ten (10) slots available on this program amounting to P 20,000,000.00 with a maximum grant of P 2M per project.

Opportunity Summary

The Full-Blown Proposal for RRI, GODDESS, and Blockchain Program should fall under the category of Research and Development Project while proposals for IDP and ExpertISE should fall under Non-Research and Development Project.
This funding opportunity encourages the a) development of research capabilities of the academic and research institutions through the development and/or upgrading of its research laboratories and facilities; (b) graduate students, researchers, faculty, personnel and practitioners in the data science and analytics field for the development of systems and technologies to aid in decision making process; c) new researchers and/or new institutions from PCIEERD regional consortia institution members for the development of research projects to address the needs and priorities of the region; and (d) researchers, practitioners in the blockchain technology for the development of appropriate systems

The Council shall provide funding support for the following:

a. Institution Development Program (IDP) for establishment of research facilities/laboratories
b. Regional Research Institution (RRI) for new researchers and new institution members of the consortia
c. Good Governance through Data Science and Decision Support Systems (GODDESS) for LGU, NGA, academic institutions and MSMEs
d. Experts Intervention for Scientific Engagement for Regional Consortia (ExperTISE) in collaboration with the existing industries based on priorities of the region which is within the PCIEERD priority sectors.
e. Blockchain Program for DOST, its attached agencies and regional offices.

Closing date: February 22, 2023 5:00 P.M.

Call for Proposals: 2023 Manila Economic and Cultural Office-Taipei Economic Cultural Office (MECO-TECO) Joint Research Project Call for Proposals

We are pleased to announce that the 2023 MECO-TECO Call for Proposals is now open. In pursuit of cooperation between the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) of Taiwan, we are calling for mutually beneficial and collaborative project proposals in any of the following identified priority areas:

• Virology
• Artificial Intelligence
o Biomedicine
o Smart Farming
o Unmanned Vehicle Systems
o Disaster Risk Reduction
o Smart Cities (gov’t services)
o Transportation
• Green Technologies
o Innovative Renewable Energy Technologies
o Low Carbon Technologies
o Green Architecture
o Marine Blue Carbon
• Nutritional Genomics
• Nanotechnology
• Materials Informatics
• Quantum Computing
• Antimicrobial Resistance
• Biotechnology for Livestocks
• Robotics
• Intelligent Manufacturing

The modes of cooperation include joint research/study, exchange of scientists/technical experts, capacity building, scientific and technical access to facilities, provision of professional services, organization of scientific conferences, symposia, training courses, and workshops and exhibitions and the Sandwich Scholarship Program (SSP).

Submission of Capsule Proposals (for DOST & NSTC) February 15, 2023

Interested parties are advised to coordinate with prospective counterparVcollaborator in Taiwan to craft the capsule proposals. The Filipino researcher must submit the capsule proposal to the respective DOST Council while the Taiwanese counterpart will submit the same to NSTC for review and evaluation. Only capsule proposals that are endorsed for further submission of full-blown proposals will undergo technical review and possible approval by both DOST and NSTC.

The necessary DOST-GIA forms for capsule proposal submissions may be downloaded at http:// For further inquiries, you may contact Ms. Andrea Velasquez-Agapito of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for International Cooperation. at Tel. No.: +632-8-838-8376 or email at / (cc: oasec
Thank you.

CALL FOR PROPOSALS: 2024 Advancing Health through Evidence-Assisted-Decisions with Health Policy and Systems Research (AHEAD with HPSR)

The Department of Health is issuing this Call for Proposals for the 2024 Advancing Health through Evidence Assisted-Decisions with Health Policy and Systems Research (AHEAD with HPSR) program priorities in support of Universal Health Care in the Philippines and its Implementing Rules and Regulations, the realization of the 2023-2028 Health Sector Strategy and other relevant local needs, legislative commitments, and various DOH-unit evidence requirements. Interested individuals preferably with institutional affiliations are welcome to apply. Submission of proposals unrelated to the identified topics in this Call will not be entertained.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we encourage proponents to account for this new reality in the design of their research proposals. Specifically, we still encourage to consider the following approaches in drafting project implementation plans especially for those requiring field work: (1) maintenance of minimum public health standards; (2) tapping local counterparts and early consultation with local health officials to assess feasibility of conducting field work in their jurisdictions; and, (3) streamlining of team composition towards ‘lean’ teams.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we encourage proponents to account for this new reality in the design of their research proposals. Specifically, we still encourage to consider the following approaches in drafting project implementation plans especially for those requiring field work: (1) maintenance of minimum public health standards; (2) tapping local counterparts and early consultation with local health officials to assess feasibility of conducting field work in their jurisdictions; and, (3) streamlining of team composition towards ‘lean’ teams.

The 2024 AHEAD-HPSR research priorities included in this call are available at for reference. Interested parties must submit their capsule proposals (maximum of 5 pages) using the provided template at together with the following initial requirements through email at

  1. Letter of Intent addressed to the Director of the Health Policy Development and Planning Bureau (HPDPB) of the DOH (see details below): FRANCES ROSE ELGO-MAMARIL, MPH Director IV
    Health Policy Development and Planning Bureau Department of Health
  2. Work plan Schedule (Gantt Chart of Activities);
  3. Curriculum Vitae of lead proponent (Principal Investigator/Project Leader);
  4. Profile of the institution includes information to justify engagement through negotiated procurement; and,
  5. Endorsement of Agency Head.

Deadline of submission is until 3 February 2023. For queries, please contact the Health Research Division at local 1326/1328.

Announcement of the Approved Proposals for Funding by the UPM-NIH Faculty Research Grant 2023 on January 20, 2023

Considering the upcoming holiday break and the large number of proposals submitted for the UPM-NIH Faculty Research Grant 2023, we regret to inform you that we cannot release the list of approved proposals by this time. We will announce the successful grant awardees on or before 20 January 2023.

Thank you and we hope for your kind understanding.

Kindly see attached approved memo regarding this matter below:

Call for Proposals: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Grand Challenges

The Challenge
This request for proposal seeks innovative approaches to modeling of women’s health issues or of broader health topics that incorporate a gender lens. We are looking for projects with a 1-to-3-year timeline that will achieve at least one of the objectives below:

  • Increase the number of trained modelers, especially women with gender expertise based in low-income and middle-income countries
  • Achieve a better understanding of issues that disproportionately affect women through modeling
  • Improve engagement with modeling approaches to support strategic planning and/or evaluation work

Ideally, proposals should also:

  • Bring together discrete modeling units across low-income and middle-income countries to share expertise
  • Enable South-South data-centered collaborations, knowledge transfer, and build on & strengthen existing initiatives and ecosystems
  • Foster innovation with data in the interest of their respective local communities and achieving equality in access to health care
  • Improve data collection, sharing, governance, regulatory compliance, and analysis processes to enable data-centered and gender aware public health research and interventions
  • Explore and improve how to build and strengthen the interface of modeling with policy engagement leading to increased adoption of insights to yield impact

Priority will be given to proposals that 1) advance broad access to data to support gender intentional modelling to improve women’s health and 2) enable strong evidence-based practices to guide policy decisions.

The desired outcome of this request for proposals is to build a modeling and analytics ecosystem focusing on applying a gender intentional lens to achieve gender equality in women’s health and to facilitate South- South collaborations. Grantees should be able to, over time, answer questions on how their proposal to increase empowerment of modelers, in particular women modelers, at a local level would reduce the impact of issues that disproportionately impact women’s health over the next 10 years in each geography.Funding level

The funding level for the Building Data Modeling Capacity for Gender Equality Project is a grant of up to $500,000 USD, provided to the organization, with a term of up to 1-to-3-years. Application budgets should be commensurate with the scope of work proposed. Any indirect costs should be included in the USD $500,000 (subject to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s indirect cost policy).

Selected proposals will become part of a coordinated program aiming at Strengthening Data Science Capacity and the Ecosystem to Enable Data-Centered and Gender Aware Public Health Interventions. We seek to build a network of researchers working together in close collaboration with the existing Data Science Grand Challenges network and its partners to build on lessons learned in different regions and further develop processes, tools and governance that maximize the impact of data-focused research studies, as well as identify and address the global data-related challenges.


We are pleased to announce the call for proposals from the Department of Science and Technology – Technology Application and Promotion Institute (DOST-TAPI)

The Department of Science and Technology (DOST), through the Technology Application and Promotion Institute (TAPI, implements the Technology Innovation for Commercialization (TECHNiCOM) Program to provide development support to commercially viable innovations. Through financial and technical assistance to the pre-commercialization stage of technology development, the program aims to fast-track the market readiness of innovations for their eventual transfer and commercialization.

The Program shall provide priority funding to pre-commercialization activities of
projects aligned to national S&T priorities and the project proposal’s strategic relevance to
national development, based on the priority areas of the DOST’s Harmonized National
R&D Agenda (HNRDA) for 2017-2022 . These areas are the following:
A. Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources

  1. Crops
  2. Livestock
  3. Aquatic
  4. Environment
  5. Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction
    B. Health*
  6. Diagnostics
  7. Drug discovery and development
  8. Functional Food
  9. Hospital equipment and biomedical devices
  10. Information and communication technology for health
  11. Dengue
  12. Nutrition and food quality and safety
  13. Disaster risk reduction
  14. Climate Change Adaptation
  15. Omic technologies for health (platform technology across research priorities)


The following may apply for the Program, provided that (1) their previous R&D was not funded, managed, nor monitored by any of the DOST Sectoral Councils or other DOST GIA Programs1, and (2) that they secure and present a favorable endorsement from a DOST Regional Office: 1. Research and Development Institutions (RDIs); 2. State Universities and Colleges (SUCs); 3. Private Higher Education Institutions (HEIs); and 4. Startup companies/firms, provided additionally that they secure and present an endorsement from the appropriate DOST Sectoral Council2.

Opening date: 10 October 2022 | 8 AM (3rd Wave of Call for Proposals)

Closing date: 17 October 2022 | 5 PM  (3rd Wave of Call for Proposals)

For further details please download attachment below:

Call for Full Proposals for Funding by the UPM-NIH Faculty Research Grant 2023

We are pleased to announce that research proposals for funding for the fiscal year 2023 are now being accepted by the Office of the Executive Director, National Institutes of Health. A research grant of up to P500,000.00 each shall be given to deserving research projects to fund personnel services and operating expenses. The proposals shall be evaluated based on relevance and scientific merit subject to appropriate ethical clearance.

The priority areas for research are based on the NUHRA 2017-2022, as follows:

  1. Responsive health systems: Health governance, health financing, access to essential medical products/vaccines and technologies, health information systems, health service delivery, health human resources, health economics, health research management;
  2. Research to enhance and extend health lives: adolescent health, communicable diseases, environmental health, maternal, newborn and child health, mental health, non-communicable diseases, nutrition, oral health, reproductive health;
  3. Holistic approaches to health and wellness: Filipino traditional and complementary medicine, determinants of health, halal in health, health behaviors;
  4. Health resiliency: accidents and injuries, climate change, disaster risk reduction and health emergencies, emerging and re-emerging diseases, environmental threats to health, occupational health and migration;
  5. Global competitiveness and innovation in health: diagnostics, drug discovery and development, functional foods, information and communication technologies for health, biomedical products and engineering, OMIC technologies; and
  6. Research in equity and health: disability, gender, geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas, geriatric case, HIV/AIDS and other STIs, indigenous peoples, substance abuse, violence, other vulnerable populations.

The research proposals from these projects should aim for publication in an ISI or peer-reviewed journal. In addition, proposals from researchers with outstanding obligations related to their previous NIH research projects will not be accepted.

To apply for the grant, kindly comply with the requirements:

  1. Register your research with the Research Grants Administration Office by completing the online form at (if not yet registered).
  2. Send electronic copies (Word and PDF files) of the full proposal (formatted according to the accompanying guideline) with a detailed line item budget (personnel services and maintenance, operating and other expenses only) to
  3. Endorsement letter from the unit head, institute director, department chair, or dean of the academic unit.

Please submit your application on or before 15 November 2022.

For inquiry, please coordinate with Ms. Katrina Mañago of the Office of the Deputy Director for Research Operations at Room 109, NIH Bldg., UP Manila or call at 8526-4349 or email 


The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) carries out bilateral cooperative programs between Japan and counterpart countries based on agreements concluded with academies, research councils and other science-promotion institutions in those countries.
The aim of these programs is to form sustained networks of bilateral research teams (etc.) evolved from individual scientist exchanges. JSPS provides financial support to excellent Japanese scientists, including young scientists, implementing such bilateral joint research projects and seminars between research teams from Japan and counterpart countries.

Bilateral Joint Research Projects/Seminars comprise two components: (A) Bilateral Joint Research Projects/Seminars with JSPS’s Counterpart Agencies and (B) Open Partnership Joint Research Projects/Seminars. The latter provides Japanese researchers an opportunity to conduct research or hold a seminar with researchers around the world who reside in a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan. (JSPS also treats researchers who reside in Taiwan and Palestine in this manner.)

JSPS launched a new scheme for proposals named “Open Partnership Joint Seminars (Interuniversity Cooperation)” in FY 2020. It is meant to strengthen bilateral research cooperation by supporting organizational initiatives carried out via university consortiums and other collaborations among institutions.

DownloadCall for Proposals: 2023 DOST-Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Joint Research Projects/Seminars

[Call for Proposals] Global Partnership for Social Accountability

We are pleased to announce the call for proposals from the Global Partnership for Social Accountability

GPSA’s Fifth Global Call for Proposals was launched in November 2021 to support civil society organizations (CSOs) and CSO Networks in implementing collaborative social accountability approaches that address critical governance and development challenges.

About the Call for Proposals

Grant Selection

The Call prioritizes CSO-led collaborative social accountability approaches that entail coalition efforts that engage local communities and citizens including vulnerable groups, and work with public sectors, at local, state and federal levels. The goal is to co-create solutions to jointly identified problems in the selected thematic areas. Information generated from social accountability processes can enable for corrective measures to be taken, and improvement of policy implementation and delivery of services.

What are the priority themes of this CfP?

The focus of the CfP will be: transformative use of social accountability to solve pressing development challenges. Short-listed countries will define a theme within the following menu based on the GPSA’s mission and track record:

  1. Health systems strengthening in the context of the COVID-19 recovery
  2. Citizen voices and oversight for climate action (just transition and locally-led climate dialogues)
  3. Cross-cutting themes: Inclusion, CivicTech

The country priority theme must clearly spell out a governance or development challenge that can be addressed through collective action of local communities, civil society and government and garner government accountability and responsiveness, and that can be taken up in the government’s delivery systems or reforms.


Only applications from CSOs in the shortlisted countries within the descripted national theme will be eligible.

For more details, visit the website: 5th Call for Proposals – gpsa (


Contact the GPSA Help Desk by email:

Call for Proposals: 2023 DOST-Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Joint Research Program

We are pleased to announce the call for proposals for the 2023 Joint Research Program under the DOST- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) cooperation.

This bilateral exchange program provides support for research to be conducted jointly by Filipino and Japanese researchers in line with their mutual agreement on international scientific collaboration.

Interested participants are requested to coordinate with prospective collaborators/counterparts in Japan to craft their proposals. The Filipino researcher must submit the proposal to DOST through the DOST Project Management Information System (DPMIS) while the Japanese counterpart should submit the same to JSPS for separate review and evaluation. Matching of the projects will be done after the evaluation of both countries. Only projects matched by both DOST and JSPS will be implemented under this program.

For the application guidelines and procedure, please refer to the enclosed document. The call for proposals will close on 06 September 2022. 5:00 PM.

For further inquiries, you may contact Ms. Jinah Ruth Jomao-as of the International Technology Cooperation Unit {ITCU) at Tel. No. +63-02-838-8376 or email at