National Institutes of Health (NIH) Faculty and REPS Research Grant

1. Description & Eligibility

The NIH Faculty and REPS Research Grant is open to all UP Manila regular faculty and researchers who implement research that are primarily consistent with the UP Manila research priorities, which are based on the National Unified Health Research Agenda (NUHRA) 2023-2028.

In cases where an applicant for this grant is a trainee (i.e. resident or fellow in­ training), s/he must conduct the study as a co-investigator and request a faculty from the same service/department/academic unit to assume the role of the principal investigator and proponent of the research project.

2. Amount Provided

  • Up to Php 500,000.00 per project shall be provided to cover for Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE).
  • The number of grants to be provided each year shall be dependent on the amount allotted by UP Manila for research.
  • Only one project per proponent will be funded per year.

3. The following are the required electronic documents to be submitted to NIH – Research Grants Office :

  • Word file and pdf of the full project proposal using the NIH Project Proposal format version October 2022;
  • Endorsement letter from the unit head, institute director, department chair, or dean of the academic unit;
  • UPMREB/IACUC/IBBC Certificate of Approval / Exemption from review; OR Acknowledgment Letter with PRID as proof of submission to UPMREB; and
  • Certificate of RGAO Registration

The deadline for submission of the proposal is set on November 15 of the year prior to the funding year.

4. The research shall start not earlier than the date of approval.

5. The research should be Research Ethics Board-approved, Research Ethics Board-exempted or IACUC-approved, or has been submitted to the appropriate review board and is expected to have the appropriate approval within 2 months of awarding of the grant. This is to allow sufficient time for the project to be completed within the fiscal year of the grant award. Failure to secure the necessary approvals at the appropriate time may be grounds for withdrawal of the grant award.

6. Activities of the research that will incur expenses that will be charged to the research fund grant must be completed by the end of the fiscal year. The research must be completed with one calendar year of its funding approval.

7. Deferment of grant for a maximum of six months may be allowed on meritorious cases to avoid disenfranchisement of new proposals.

8. A mutually agreed-upon line-item-budget shall be prepared for each research project.

9. A memorandum of agreement/contract shall be executed between the NIH and the proponent/grantee covering the terms of reference of the grant.

10. Only one full-time technical research staff shall be allowed per project.

11. Only one full-time or part-time administrative staff shall be allowed per project.

12. Part-time personnel with a full-time job elsewhere (including UP employees) may be hired provided they obtain a written consent from their employer, and that they will work outside their official working hours in their mother unit.

13. Consultants may be hired provided their services are crucial to the research.

14. Because of the nature of research work, which is output-oriented, the working hours of the staff may be flexible depending on the needs of the project. The proponent shall decide the working hours. A certification of services shall be submitted to the NIH Research Grants Office as basis for the payment of salary.

15. A mid-term progress report shall be submitted 15 days after the end of the first half of research implementation. The NIH-UPM SRC shall evaluate the progress report.

16. The proponent shall submit an end of research technical report at the end of the research duration. This report will be reviewed by the NIH-UPM SRC. The proponent is given 60 days after termination of the research within which to submit the final report, which should address the comments and suggestions of the NIH-UPM SRC.

17. The proponent shall submit an end-of-research financial report, which will be reviewed, finalized and approved by the UPM Accounting Office.

18. Extension of program/project/thesis/dissertation duration may be granted from 6- 12 months, to complete the research, without additional funding. The project leader may be allowed to use the unexpended fund of the project upon request. The unexpended funds may be allocated to personnel and MOOE. A new line­ item-budget shall be prepared for the unexpended fund. Request for extension shall be made in writing not later than one month before the termination of the project. Extension of 4-6 months requires submission of a progress report halfway of the extension period. The Project Leader is not entitled to an honorarium during the extension period.

19. If for any reason the proponent can no longer pursue the research, he/she may transfer the research to another qualified faculty member or terminate the research. If the research is terminated, the proponent shall refund the amount released to him/her in full.

20. The processing for the funding of the grant is as follows:

  • Upon awarding of the grant of the research project, proponent determines the quarterly financial requirement and the corresponding scheduled output of the project.
  • The NIH-Research Grants Office prepares the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) line-item-budget to be signed by the NIH Executive Director countersigned by NIH-RGO Head.
  • The NIH-Research Grants Office furnishes the Proponent a copy of MOA and Research Guidelines.
  • Release of the Honorarium of Proponent
    • Payment of honorarium shall be made every end of the month, upon submission of COS and Accomplishment Report to be signed by the NIH Executive Director.
    • Standard rates of the Proponent (Principal Investigator) and the co­ investigator will be based on the prevailing guidance of the PCHRD Prescribe Salary Rates for Grants-in-Aid Personnel.
  • The processing and release of the salary of full- and part-time staff members shall be in accordance with the prevailing workflow process, requirements and timelines of UP Manila.
  • Payment of personnel paid on a straight fee basis (short-term contracts) shall be in accordance with terms of payment stated in the contract. (Consultants)
  • Release of MOOE Funds
    • First release              80% upon signing of implementation papers
    • Second release         20% upon settlement of second release (Submission of status report of 75%-80% data collection accomplishment and accounting of expenses)
    • All expenses should be incurred within the approved duration of the project.
    • The research may incur an expense before the release of the MOOE, for as long as it is made within the approved duration of the project. In such case, the proponent will be reimbursed following submission of the required supporting documents.
  • No release of MOOE fund shall be made during the last two weeks of research implementation.
  • No additional research related expenses is allowed beyond 31 December of the fiscal year

21. Any revision of the approved line-item-budget shall be made in writing. Revision is allowed provided it is necessary for the efficient implementation of the research and it will not entail additional funds.

22. The Proponent going out of the country for 21 consecutive days or more shall notify the NIH and shall recommend a competent officer-in-charge. Leave from the project shall not be allowed for more than 2 months, otherwise a suitable replacement shall be appointed. The OIC shall receive an honoraria commensurate to the length of service rendered, charged to the budget from the personnel services allocated to the Proponent. As officer-in-charge, he shall assume the duties of the Proponent including signing of vouchers. An appointment paper shall be prepared for the purpose. No OIC shall be allowed for thesis or dissertation grants.

23. The Proponent shall settle all financial accountabilities within one month after the termination date of the project.

24. Issuance of clearance shall be made after the following shall have been complied with by the Proponent:

  • Approval of the final research technical report by the NIH-UPM SRC.
  • Settlement of all financial accountabilities related to the project, with the approval of the final research financial report by UPM Accounting Office.

25. In no case shall replacement of an approved research with another be allowed.

26. Suspension of release of research grant fund shall be done on the following grounds:

  • Unauthorized foreign travel by the Proponent
  • Suspension from UPM for any offense
  • Failure to produce mid-term report

Proponents of suspended projects shall have to submit accomplishment report covering the period from start of project up to the date of suspension.

Lifting of suspension/resumption of project activities & continuation of release of funds:

  • When requirements shall have been complied with but not beyond one year after the date of suspension.
  • Lifting of suspension from UPM, provided lifting is within one year after date of suspension.

27. Acceptance of final report is based on the following:

  • Favorable review of referee/s
  • Submission of revised report incorporating the recommendation and comments of the referee within the 60 days grace period after project term.

28. Salaries and fees not claimed within 60 days after the end of the project shall revert to the general research fund of NIH.

29. Sanctions of Proponent who have not submitted report/financial/property accountabilities to NIH:

  • Not eligible for another research grant until accountability is settled.
  • No clearance shall be issued upon resignation or retirement until accountability is settled.

30. Equipment issued to the projects shall be returned to NIH within one month from the end of the project. The equipment may be donated to the mother unit of the Project Leader upon request and approval by the Chancellor in meritorious cases.

31. The NIH Executive Director shall decide on all project-related problems and may opt to refer cases with far-reaching implications to the research committees.

32. Any request for change in the research shall be made in writing. Changes in the research shall be mutually acceptable. The following minor changes shall be allowed provided it will not entail additional funds, and provided further that they will not substantially alter the original design of the research:

  • Change of Pl
  • Change in title
  • Change in schedule of activities
  • Change in research site

Recent Call for Proposal: