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Acceptance of certificates of presentation with UP Faculty Regent Carl Marc Ramota
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Oral presentation of RGAO paper
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Participants of CUPSCON 5
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Opening ceremony (Singing of the Philippine National Anthem)
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Opening ceremony group photo at CUPSCON 5

We’re excited to share that our team from the Research Grants Administration Office (RGAO), with Dr. Mark Anthony S. Sandoval serving as the project leader, participated in the 5th Colleges and Universities Public Service Conference (CUPSCON5). The conference took place from August 28-30, 2024, at Palawan State University-Main Campus in the stunning Puerto Princesa, Palawan. #CUPSCON5 #PublicService #ResearchInnovation #RGAO #HealthSciences #COVID19Research #TechInPublicService #ConferenceHighlights #SDG4 #SDG17 See more...