Registration Memos
- Memo No. CCDP-2018-028 Registration of Researches in UPM
- Memo No. CCDP-2023-123 Research Requires RGAO Registration (RRRR)
Institutional Funds Memos
- Memo No. RLA 10-083 UP Manila Research Administrative Overhead Fund
- Memo No. CCDP-2018-116 Guidelines on the Research Administrative Overhead Cost
- RUF Utilization Guidelines Guidelines on the Utilization of the Research Unit Fund
- Memo No. CCDP-2016-081 New UPMREB Fees
- Memo No. CCDP-2017-033 Flowchart for Availing the UPM Research Bridging Effort Funds (BRIEF) Program
Pre-Award Phase Memos
- Memo No. CCDP-2023-216 Hiring of Project-based Project Manager, Administrative Staff, and Messengers to be Included in the Line Item Budget (LIB)
- Memo No. EHRO-2016-159 Permit to Conduct Research
- PGH Memo 2020-166 Flowchart for registry of admission & discharges (RADISH) access for research & training activities
Policies Related Memos
- Memo No. CCDP-2022-172 Authorization to Vice-Chancellor for Research and National Institutes of Health Executive Director to sign financial reports and other financial documents related to research projects
- Matrix of Approving Authority for NIH research-related documents
- Memo No. OVCR-2024-008 Streamlining of Research Document Preparation Process and Updates on Project Management
Payment of Staff
- Memo No. CCDP 2021- 387 Updated Supporting documents for Common Transactions
- EMCDP Memo on Payment Schedule of Salaries and Honoraria for Project-Based Staff
- Memo No. CCDP-2017-128 Payment Schedule of Salaries for Project Based Staff
- Budget Circular No. 2007-2 Guidelines on the Grant of Honoraria due to Assignment in Government Special Projects
- RA No. 11312 An Act Strengthening the Magna Carta for Scientists, Engineers, Researchers & other Science & Technology Personnel in the Government, amending for the purpose Republic Act No. 8439
- Memo No. CCDP 2023-033 Compliance to Non-engagement Policy of Job Order/Contract of Service Staff with Another UP unit or Outside Agency and Limit to Engagements of the Project Staff
- Memo No. CCDP 2017-055 Project Contract Forms and COS for Research
Expense Reports, Cash Advance
- Memo No. CCDP-2016-010 A Checklist of Mandatory Supporting Documents for Liquidation of Cash Advance for Travel (Local and Foreign) and Special Purpose Cash Advance
- EO No. 77 Prescribing Rules & Regulations & Rates of Expenses & Allowances for Official Local & Foreign Travels of Government Personnel
- COA Circular No. 2021-001 Clarification on the use of Reimbursement Expense Receipt (RER) and Certification in relation to reimbursement of expenses not requiring Official Receipts (ORs)
- COA Circular No. 2012-003 Updated guidelines for the prevention and disallowance of irregular, unnecessary, excessive, extravagant & unconscionable expenditures
- COA Circular No. 2023-004 dated June 14, 2023, Prescribing the Updated Documentary Requirements for Common Government Transactions, amending COA Circular No. 2012-001 dated June 14, 2012
- COA Circular No. 97-002 Cash Advances – 2 months cash flow
- COA Circular No. 2005-03 Utilization of Itinerary and Used Boarding Pass
- Memo Circular No. 2013-28 Disallowance without legal basis
- Memo No. 2023-003 Liquidation of Cash Advance
- Memo No. CMLT-2024-034 Processing of ageing transactions beyond six months as of date
- Memo No. CCDP-2020-216 Revised Process Flow for the Procurement of Common-Used Supplies & Equipment from the Procurement Service (PS) Virtual Store
- Memo No. CCDP-19-101 Revised Flow Chart for the Procurement thru Alternative Modes for Processing of Payments to Suppliers and Contractors
- Memo No. CCDP-2019-203 Payment through Advice to Debit Account (ADA) with LBP & DBP
- Memo No. CCDP-2019-204 Implementation of Payment through Advice to Debit Account (ADA) with LBP & DBP
- GPPB Resolution No. 05-2022 Amendment to Section 53.14 to include Direct Purchase of Online Subscription
- Procurement Law RA 9184 Government Procurement Reform Act
- COA Circular No. 2022-004 Increase in the Capitalization Threshold from 15,000.00 to 50,000.00
- Memo No. CMLT-2024-101 Reminder on the Documentary Requirements for Alternative Modes of Procurement
- Memo No. CMLT-2024-134 Reiteration of the Procurement Guidelines and Procedures
- Memo No. CMLT-2024-104 Performance Evaluation of External Providers/Suppliers of Goods
- AO No. PLDC 19-65 Philippine Genome Center (PGC) as the Provider of Genomic-Related Services of the University of the Philippines Manila (UP Manila)
Close-out Phase Memos
- Memo No. CCDP 2022-320 Prompt Submission of documents related to liquidation of research grants
- Memo No. CMLT-2024-039 Reiteration of the Procedural Flow on Acceptance of Donations
- OVPAA Memo No. 2021-114 Endorsement and Eligibility Requirements of International Publication Award Applications
- DOST AO 11 Series of 2020 DOST GIA Guidelines 2020
- DOST GIA 2020 Key Changes for Project Leaders
- DOST Special Order No. 508, Series of 2013 Adoption of a Minimum Qualification Standard
- DOST Special Order No. 508-A, Series of 2013 Amendment to DOST Special Order No. 508, Series of 2013
- DOST Memo Circular No. 001 S. 2009 Amendment to Memo Circular No. 001, S. 2003, otherwise known as the “Revised implementing guidelines on the Grant of Honoraria to Personnel whose service are engaged by the National Science and Technology System”
- DOST Memo Circular No. 001 S. 2003 February Revised Implementing Guidelines on the Grant of Honoraria to Personnel whose Services are Engaged by the National S&T System
- DOST Memorandum Authorizing the grant of gratuity pay to project personnel (Malacañang Administrative Order 38)
- DOST Special Order No. 0362: CY 2022 Prescribed Salary Rates for DOST Grants-in-Aid (GIA) Personnel
- DOST AO no. 009 series of 2020 Guidelines in the Certification of Eligibility of Non-DOST S&T Personnel Under RA NO. 8439, as amended by RA NO. 11312
- DOST Special Order No. 958 S. 2024 CYs 2024- 2027 Prescribed Salary Rates for DOST Grants-in-Aid (GIA) Personnel
- BIR Revenue Regulation 18-2012 Regulations in the Processing of Authority to Print (ATP) Official Receipts, Sales Invoices, and Other Commercial Invoices using the On-line ATP System and Providing for the Additional Requirements in the Printing Thereof
- OVCAA Memo No. 2024-21 Revised Application Form & Submission of Post-Activity/Publication Report for UPM-OVCAA Implemented Grants