OVPAA Research Dissemination Grant


  1. Faculty/Research faculty, full-time, part-time, with or without tenure,
  2. University researchers who have served UPM for at least two (2) years for attendance in
    international conferences and at least one (1) year for local and foreign conferences
    held in the Philippines;
  3. Clinical faculty and lecturers who have been teaching for the last 5 years, carrying 6 units per semester and not appointed as regular faculty because of lack of items

The amount of the grant is fixed per applicant and based on the location of the international conference:

  • P25,000 for Asia (excluding South Asia) and Pacific Islands
  • P45,000 for North and South America, Europe, Russia, Africa, Middle East, Australia and India.

The UP System RDG is only a supplemental funding to the CU RDG.

Application Submission Periods:

Applications must be submitted to the OVPAA within the designated application periods:

  • February 10-15
  • April 10-15
  • June 10-15
  • August 10-15
  • October 10-15
  • December 10-15

Please note: No applications will be received before or after the specific application periods.
Additional Information:

  • Applicants will be notified of the application results via email.


  1. duly accomplished and endorsed application form (OVPAA RDG Application Form 6.0)
  2. Official invitation or acceptance letter from the conference organizers which indicates the title of the invited lecture or accepted paper
  3. Official information about the conference and organizers (i.e., track record; publication)
  4.  Abstract of the paper (For senior faculty/REPS, this must include the citation of the applicant’s recently published research in an ISI-listed publication or its equivalent.)
  5. Applications must be submitted to the OVPAA within the designated application period
  6. The applicant should ensure the completeness of the document. All applications received within the application period will be evaluated as submitted.

Application Process:

Step 1: Register the original research paper and the publication/presentation with RGAO at http://rgao.upm.edu.ph/registration

Step 2: Submit the signed hard copy of the application form to RGAO

Step 3: RGAO will forward it to the department for Department Chair’s endorsement

Step 4: The department will forward it to the Dean for a second endorsement

Step 5: The application form will be returned to RGAO for VCR’s endorsement

Step 6: RGAO will forward it to the Chancellor for final endorsement

Step 7: Once signed, RGAO submits the application to OVPAA. A scanned copy of the submitted form and submission receipt will be emailed to the applicant.

Step 8: RGAO will monitor it and notify the applicant once approved.

Grant Release: 

The check will be addressed to the faculty involved. The currency of funds to be given will be in Philippine Peso. 100 % upon approval, prior to conference

Notification of the results of the application is one month after the deadline of each application period and will be sent to the applicants by e-mail.

Responsibilities after Fund-Grant:

  1. The grantee is required to submit a concise report (OVPAA RDG Conference Report Form 6.1), to include the following:
    • Write up about the conference
    • Photocopy of the cover of the conference book, conference program, and abstract of the presented paper
    • Feedback on the paper presented
    • Future directions of research presented
    • Potential foreign collaborators
    • Other important contacts and insights
    • Photos of the conference
    • Short write-up of one’s participation (to be used to feature/publicize the grantee’s participation in the conference)
  2. The report should be submitted to the OVPAA within one (1) month after the conference. An electronic copy of the report (MS Word format) should be emailed to rdg.ovpaa@up.edu.ph.