Office of International Linkages Research/Creative Work Presentation In International Conferences (Travel Grant)
Grant Provisions
For in-person presentation: The Grant shall provide financial assistance based on actual costs:
Roundtrip Airfare
Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) for the entire period of the conference, including travel time to and from the same (based on E.O. 77 s. 2019, Prescribing Rules, Regulations and Rates of Expenses and Allowances for Official Local and Foreign Travels of Government Personnel)
Registration Fees
For online presentation: The Grant shall provide financial assistance according to the guidelines stipulated in the 1358th BOR-approved UP Virtual Internationalization Program (UP-VIP) Guidelines of 2021, which includes conference fees, internet subsidy, and proceedings or publication fees. The amount provided will be based on the submitted line-item budget reflecting actual conference costs
The total amount of funding support will vary and depend on the event location.
Php40,000 for countries in Asia (excluding South Asia and Pacific Islands)
Php80,000 for Europe/USA/Russia/India/Africa/Middle East/Australia/New Zealand.
Enrolled graduate students
Regular faculty members
REPS (Research Extension and Professional Staff)
Permanent administrative staff
Note: The number of representatives per international conference or event will be at the discretion of the UP Chancellor
Grant Conditions
The grantee must sign the compliance to liquidate clause included in the application form of the Travel Grant Program based on COA regulations. (COA Circular No. 2012-001, Prescribing the Revised Guidelines and Documentary Requirements for Common Government Transactions)
Graduate student grantees must be enrolled during the time of application and the time of the conference. In the midterm, graduate student applicants may submit a certification from the department or college, in lieu of a Form 5, stating that they are in the graduate program and will still be enrolling in the coming term. For faculty, REPS, and administrative staff, a valid appointment or Certificate of Employment (COE) from the HRDO may be submitted.
The grantee is responsible for processing necessary travel documents such as travel authority, visa, foreign exchange permit, and others. They are also responsible for their travel arrangements.
The number of representatives per conference or event nominated by the CU will be based on the discretion of the Chancellor.
The financial assistance shall be provided and released directly to the grantee. However, if the grantee cannot personally receive the financial assistance, a representative may collect it bearing a duly signed authorization letter with a photocopy of the representative’s valid government-issued ID. UP shall be free of any liabilities or damages in connection with the release of the financial assistance to the grantee or grantee’s representative
The grantee must attend the pre-departure orientation and the post-travel grant liquidation session.
Unexpended funds must be returned to the UP-System Cash Office located in the basement of Quezon Hall. Information on how to return the unexpended funds will be provided after the review of the liquidation report.
Grantees who fail to submit required liquidation documents will be tagged by the UP CU Office of the University Registrar (OUR), and the Office of International Linkages (OIL) as a grantee with accountabilities. Grantees with accountabilities cannot re-apply for the grant, and students with accountabilities will not be cleared by the OUR.
Successful grantees can re-apply after a year if they are cleared with the previously received grant and have no pending liquidation reports for submission from any of the other OIL or OVPAA Programs
Application Process and Requirements
Applicants must register first in the OIL Portal and create an applicant profile to access the online application form.
Kindly use a UP Mail account in the OIL Portal Registration. Once the online application form is completed with complete document attachments, our office will process the application based on merit and availability of funds.
Application Process Update: Applicants for Travel Grant Support will temporarily submit their applications through the Travel Grant Email ( due to the Systems Update for Travel Grant Application Module. Form templates can be requested via email.
Applicants are encouraged to apply for waiver of registration fee and obtain counterpart funding from other sources e.g. Constituent Unit (CU) funding, etc.
Applications must be submitted during the scheduled submission period below. The OIL/OVPAA will process the application based on merit and availability of funds.
Requirements for the grant are as follows:
Attachment 1: Abstract of the paper (For Faculty/REPS, include the citation of recent research in an ISI-listed publication or its equivalent)
Attachment 2: Applicant’s 2-page curriculum vitae (For Faculty/Graduate Students, include a copy of Form 5 or a certification that you are enrolled on the period of travel)
Attachment 3: Official invitation or acceptance letter from the conference, which indicates the title of the invited lecture or accepted paper
Note: Please make sure that the signatories of the application are on one page. For roundtrip economy tickets, the applicant/grantee must travel to and from the Philippines only.
Application Conditions
Applications for in-person presentations must be submitted according to the schedule shown above. Applications for virtual/online conferences, on the other hand, are accepted year-round.
Applicants must accomplish the Travel Grant Application Package. The PDF file is available in the OIL Portal, which can be accessed through the OIL Website or requested through the TG official email
The applicant must secure the certifications or signatures required on the certification page of the application form, including the endorsement of the UP CU Chancellor, prior to submission of the Travel Grant Application to UP OIL.
Application evaluation is done by the OIL System Travel Grant Program Staff. Applicants will be informed of the result through email.
Grantees must attend the pre- and post-travel orientation sessions.
The grant will be released in the form of a check or through direct deposit to the grantee’s Landbank account.
For further inquiries, kindly contact Mr. Kurt Sy (Travel Grant Program Manager)
through email at