Cash Advance

Call for Full Proposals for Funding by the NIH Faculty and REPS Research Grant 2024

We are pleased to announce that research proposals for funding for fiscal year 2024 are now being accepted by the Office of the Executive Director, National Institutes of Health. A research grant of up to P500,000.00 each shall be given to deserving research projects to fund Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE). The proposals shall be evaluated based on relevance and scientific merit subject to appropriate ethical clearance.

The priority areas for research are based on the NUHRA 2017-2022, as follows:

  1. Responsive health systems: health governance, health financing, access to essential medical products/vaccines and technologies, health information systems, health service delivery, health human resources, health economics, health research management;
  2. Research to enhance and extend health lives: adolescent health, communicable diseases, environmental health, maternal, newborn and child health, mental health, non-communicable diseases, nutrition, oral health, reproductive health;
  3. Holistic approaches to health and wellness: Filipino traditional and complementary medicine, determinants of health, halal in health, health behaviors;
  4. Health resiliency: accidents and injuries, climate change, disaster risk reduction and health emergencies, emerging and re-emerging diseases, environmental threats to health, occupational health and migration;
  5. Global competitiveness and innovation in health: diagnostics, drug discovery and development, functional foods, information and communication technologies for health, biomedical products and engineering, OMIC technologies; and
  6. Research in equity and health: disability, gender, geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas, geriatric case, HIV/AIDS and other STIs, indigenous peoples, substance abuse, violence, other vulnerable populations.

The research proposals from these projects should aim for publication in an ISI or peer-reviewed journal. In addition, proposals from researchers with outstanding obligations related to their previous NIH research projects will not be accepted.

To apply for the grant, kindly comply with the following requirements:

  • Register your research with the Research Grants Administration Office (RGAO) by completing the online form at (if not yet registered).
  • Send the following documents via email to
  • Word file and PDF of the full proposal (formatted according to the accompanying guideline), with a detailed Line-item Budget (MOOE only)
  • Endorsement letter from the unit head, institute director, department chair, or dean of the academic unit
  • Certificate of RGAO Registration

Please submit your application on or before 15 November 2023.

For inquiries, kindly coordinate with Ms. Katrina P. Mañago of the Office of the Deputy Director for Research Operations at Room 109, NIH Building, UP Manila; send an email to; or call 8526-4349.


We are pleased to announce that the Office of the Executive Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is now accepting the second (2nd) batch of applications for the NIH-UPM Student Research Grant for CY 2023. This grant provides funding support for thesis/research of UP Manila undergraduate students, medical students, and masteral students without any scholarship.

A research grant of up to P100,000.00 each shall be given to deserving research projects to subsidize expenses for maintenance and other operating expenses {MOOE) only. The proposals shall be evaluated based on relevance and scientific merit, subject to appropriate ethical clearance. The thesis or research adviser should endorse the application and will be responsible for financial disbursements and liquidation of funds. The successful applicants are strongly encouraged to publish their results in reputable peer-reviewed journals and are required to submit to NIH their manuscript in a publishable format ready for submission.

Please submit the following requirements on or before 15 September 2023 {Friday):

  1. Electronic copy (word file and pdf) of the full thesis/research proposal;
  2. Endorsement letter signed by the Thesis/Research Adviser, Department Chair, and College Dean;
  3. Thesis panel certificate of approval;
  4. Certificate of approval or proof of submission of the research proposal to the appropriate review panel (UPMREB/ IACUC/ IBBC/ etc.); (note: review panel approval is expected within 2 months of the grant approval);
  5. Certificate of RGAO Registration (register at

Submissions should be sent via email to Ms. Katrina P. Manago at For further inquiries and related concerns, you may coordinate with her at Room 109, NIH Building, UP Manila; send a message to the email address indicated above; or call 8526-4349.

Call for Applications: 2023-2024 Joint WHO Western Pacific Region/TDR Impact Grants for Implementation Research for Regional Priorities

The WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WPRO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Bank, and the WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) are pleased to announce the 2023–2024 Call for Applications for the Joint WPRO/TDR Impact Grants for regional priorities focused on implementation research on communicable diseases

NEW Deadline for submission: 17 May 2023 (23:59 PHT) 

Only applicants from the Western Pacific Region are eligible 

This call is for applications to conduct implementation research that will inform policy and public health practice for reaching the unreached, with a focus on communicable diseases. 

The call is open to principal investigators who are based in an institution located in low- and middle-income countries in the WHO Western Pacific Region including American Samoa, Cambodia, China, the Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, the Marshall Islands, Mongolia, Palau, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, and Viet Nam.

For more details:

Postponement on the submission of proposals for the Enhanced Creative Work and Research Grant (ECWRG)

The Research Grant-Creative Work and Scholarship Fund (RG-CWSF) was institutionalized in 1999 to raise the level and quality of scholarly and creative work by our faculty and REPS. Under this initiative, the Creative Work and Research Grant (CWRG) – now referred to as the Enhanced Creative Work and Research Grant (ECWRG) – was subsequently established. The ECWRG aims to encourage faculty and REPS to undertake research that will lead to publications or exhibitions or performances of creative work or other significant output such as patents, new software, and advanced technologies.

Since the approval of the ECWRG guidelines by the Board of Regents in its 1299th Meeting on 31 July 2014, the program has been continuously implemented under the same guidelines and has supported almost 400 faculty members and REPS in their research endeavors. While we continue to acknowledge the support of this program to faculty and researchers, the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs mandates a program review to assess its outcomes after more than ten years of its implementation.

As agreed upon by the System Academic Affairs Committee on 10 March 2023, we are hereby postponing the call for proposals for 2023 ECWRG Cycle 1 while the program review is being conducted. We will issue a memorandum once the program review has been completed, along with the necessary updates or revisions to the guidelines and timelines, if any.

Thank you for your usual cooperation.

UP Medical Alumni Society Inc Research Dissemination Grant

In the academic community, there are many faculty members and researchers who are prolific in research and publication. It is important for their research outputs to be disseminated to interested stakeholders here and abroad. Unfortunately, researchers oftentimes cannot present their research outputs, particularly to the international research community, due to lack of funds. The UPMAS RDG is an award to outstanding UPMAS lifetime members, affiliated with UPCM and/or other institutions as faculty and/or researchers ( including trainees ), who receive invitations or gain acceptance to present their research papers in prestigious international conferences.

With the RDG, UPCM ALUMNI faculty and researchers are encouraged to conduct and publicize high-quality research that would make the University of the Philippines College
of Medicine and its alumni more visible in the international research community. Participation in international conferences would also expose our UPCM ALUMNI faculty
and researchers to cutting-edge research and could provide opportunities to forge collaborations with leading researchers in the world.



November 1 to April 30 for conferences to be held from January to June
June 1 to October 31 for conferences to be held from July to December of each year.
*All applications for each period will be evaluated and results will be released within two (2) weeks after the deadline of each application period.


P10,000 for Asia (excluding South Asia) and the Pacific Islands P20,000 for North and South America, Europe, Russia, Africa, Middle East, Australia and India

*The grant is intended as additional support for all UPCM ALUMNI faculty and researchers affiliated with UPCM and/or other institutions who will present their papers for
oral or poster presentation in international conferences.
*Since the RDG has limited funds, applications will be evaluated and awarded to 1 grantee semiannually.


The paper for oral or poster presentation should be related to a completed or on-going research with publishable results or should include results from the applicant’s research recently published in an ISI-listed journal or equivalent.


Notification of results of the application is two (2) weeks after the deadline of each application period and will be sent to the applicants by e-mail


The award will be formalized with the signing of a conforme form by the grantee.
*The grantee is advised to prepare to advance funds for the conference in case the grant from UPMAS is not made available in time for his / her departure (for cases where
the conference date is close to the date of grant notification and processing).


The Research Dissemination Grant (RDG) is an award to outstanding UPMAS lifetime members, who are either faculty or researcher with an invitation to present his / her research paper at a prestigious international conference. The RDG encourages UPMAS members to conduct and publicize high-quality researches that would make the University of the Philippines College of Medicine (UPCM) and its alumni more visible in the international research community. The RDG also provides opportunities to expose UPMAS members to cutting-edge research and to forge collaborations with leading researchers in the world.

  1. Official invitation or acceptance letter from the conference organizers which indicates the title of the invited lecture or accepted paper
  2. Official information about the conference and organizers
  3. Abstract of the paper

*Applications must be submitted to the UPMAS Office within the designated application period.
*The applicant should ensure the completeness of the documents. All applications received within the application period will be evaluated as submitted.

For more information you may contact: 8-5253852 / 0993-8175152 /

Call for Proposal: TECHNiCOM Call for Proposals for 2023 funding

The Technology Innovation for Commercialization Program (TECHNiCOM) aims to fast-track the transfer, utilization, and commercialization of R&D outputs to contribute to the country’s sustainable development thru relevant technological platforms.

Through TECHNiCOM, we provide technopreneurs with an easily accessible multimillion pre-commercialization grant and linkage to DOST-TAPI’s technology and innovation support programs.

Deadline: March 31, 2023 More info:

Call for Proposal: Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD) GIA Program/Project (2025 Funding)

Deadline: March 31, 2023

Priority areas

Mango 🥭

– Development of a system/model for proper scheduling mango production

– Mitigate losses brought about by unfavorable/adverse weather conditions and result in higher productivity and quality of mango

Coffee ☕️

– Surveillance and management of coffee pests and diseases using smart tools and techniques

– Climate-smart coffee production and processing

Sugarcane 🌱

– Field verification and adaptability trials of improved crop varieties

– Optimization of nutrient management strategies

– Optimization of water management strategies

– Mechanization of sugarcane production operations

Management of Economically Important Emerging Pests 🦗

– Development/ optimization of S&T-based management strategies to reduce the significant losses caused by emerging insect pests and diseases in priority crops

Smart water management for high value crops 🪴

– Smart water management for high value crops

Animal Feed Resources Enhancement 🐓

– Smart water management for high value crops

– Evaluation of the nutritive value of forage crops and crop by-products to livestock and poultry

– Forage and crop by-product processing and preservation technology development

– Enhancement of nutritive value of feed materials thru fermentation and other feed treatment processes

– Identification and production of microbial starter cultures for forage and crop by-products fermentation

For more details on the general priority R&D areas, download the pdf:

To access DOST-GIA Forms:…/category/490-gia-forms.html

To access DOST-GIA Guidelines:…/2014-04-27-01…/guidelines.html To submit your proposals, log on to:

Call for Proposal: Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD) GIA Program/Project (2025 Funding)

Deadline: March 31, 2023

Priority areas

Mango 🥭

– Development of a system/model for proper scheduling mango production

– Mitigate losses brought about by unfavorable/adverse weather conditions and result in higher productivity and quality of mango

Coffee ☕️

– Surveillance and management of coffee pests and diseases using smart tools and techniques

– Climate-smart coffee production and processing

Sugarcane 🌱

– Field verification and adaptability trials of improved crop varieties

– Optimization of nutrient management strategies

– Optimization of water management strategies

– Mechanization of sugarcane production operations

Management of Economically Important Emerging Pests 🦗

– Development/ optimization of S&T-based management strategies to reduce the significant losses caused by emerging insect pests and diseases in priority crops

Smart water management for high value crops 🪴

– Smart water management for high value crops

Animal Feed Resources Enhancement 🐓

– Smart water management for high value crops

– Evaluation of the nutritive value of forage crops and crop by-products to livestock and poultry

– Forage and crop by-product processing and preservation technology development

– Enhancement of nutritive value of feed materials thru fermentation and other feed treatment processes

– Identification and production of microbial starter cultures for forage and crop by-products fermentation

For more details on the general priority R&D areas, download the pdf:

To access DOST-GIA Forms:…/category/490-gia-forms.html

To access DOST-GIA Guidelines:…/2014-04-27-01…/guidelines.html To submit your proposals, log on to:

Call for Proposal: Niche Center in the Regions (NICER) – Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources

The Niche Centers in the Regions (NICER) for R&D is a component of the DOST’s Accelerated R&D Program for Capacity Building of Research and Development Institutions and Industrial Competitiveness under the Science for Change Program.

The DOST, through the NICER Program will capacitate Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the regions to make significant improvement in regional research by integrating its development need with the existing R&D research capabilities and resources. It will provide institutional grant for R&D capacity building to improve their S&T infrastructure.

Deadline: March 31, 2023

More info:

Call for Proposals: Research or Thesis Proposals for Funding by the UPM-NIH National Institutes of Health, UPM Students Research Grants 2023

We are pleased to announce that the Office of the Executive Director, National Institutes of Health is now accepting the applications for the UPM Student Researcher Grant for CY 2023. This grant provides funding support for thesis/research of UP Manila undergraduate students, medical students, and masteral students without any scholarship.

A research grant of up to P100,000.00 each shall be given to deserving research projects to subsidize expenses for maintenance and other operating expenses (MOOE) only. The proposals shall be evaluated based on relevance and scientific merit subject to appropriate ethical clearance. The thesis or research adviser should endorse the application and will be responsible for financial disbursements and liquidation of funds. The successful applicants are strongly encouraged to publish their results in reputable peer-reviewed journals and are required to submit their manuscript in a publishable format ready for submission.

Please submit the following requirements on or before 15 March 2023 (Wednesday):

  1. One (1) printed copy of the full thesis/research proposal
  2. Electronic copy (Word file) of the full thesis/research proposal
  3. Endorsement letter signed by the Thesis/Research Adviser, Department Chair and College Dean
  4. Thesis panel certificate of approval
  5. Certificate of approval or proof of submission of the research proposal to the appropriate review panel (UPMREB, IACUC, IBBC, etc.). (note : review panel approval is expected within 2 months of the grant approval)
  6. Registration with RGAO at

For inquiry, please coordinate with Ms. Katrina Mañago of the Office of the Deputy Director for Research Operations at Room 109, NIH Bldg., UP Manila or call at 8526-4349 or email