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Call for Proposal: PCIEERD Startup Grant Fund Program 2022

We are pleased to announce that the Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD) has a new call for proposal.

In line with the implementation of the Republic Act (RA) No. 11337, or the Innovative Startup Act of 2019 and the signing of its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), the Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD) is announcing the 2022 Call for Proposals for the Startup Grant Fund Program with the theme “Powering Startups to Thrive in the Next Normal”.

The fund assistance being requested should aim to:
• Overcome R&D roadblocks
• Strengthen Intellectual Property
• Establish initial market traction
• Refine business model
• Prepare Business Continuity Plan

Who can apply?

This call for proposal is open to qualified startups especially the startups located in any
of the DOST-supported Technology Business Incubators. The startup is qualified if:
● Legally registered with the DTI or Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for a minimum of one (1) year to a maximum of five (5) years (as of January 17, 2022) provided that the business model has not been established.
● Have an early-stage prototype or proof of concept for the product or service. Ideas or mere concepts are not allowed.
● Has demonstrated capability to conduct R&D and differentiate research from their regular business operations; provided, that ownership and nationality requirements under the Philippine Constitution and pertinent laws, including RA No. 10055 or the Philippine Technology Transfer Act of 2009, are complied with;
● Has legal personality to issue an Official Receipt for the receipt of grants-in-aid;

The deadline for submission is on February 18, 2022.

For further details you may download this file link or contact the following DOST PCIEERD staff:

Research Information and Technology Transfer Division (RITTD)
Ms. Russell M. Pili –
Engr. Edward Paul Apigo –

Call for Research Proposal: Global Alliance for Chronic Disease

We are pleased to announce that the Global Alliance for Chronic Disease (GACD) has a new call for research proposal.

The new call focuses on taking a life course approach to reducing and preventing common non-communicable disease (NCD) risk factors in low- and middle- income countries (LMICs) and/or disadvantaged populations in high-income countries (HICs).

The GACD seeks to fund international, collaborative, multidisciplinary, and cross-cultural teams. While only qualified researchers can apply for this funding opportunity, collaboration with stakeholders such as community and patient groups, local policymakers, public and clinical health professionals, NGOs and others whose organisations or communities might benefit from the research, is essential. The GACD has created a new find-a-collaborator tool to facilitate partnerships.

Nine international funding agencies have confirmed being part of this call so far and other agencies may join on a rolling basis. Subscribers to this mailing list will receive an update when a new funding agency joins the call. Each funding agency participating in this call has specific requirements which are detailed in the agency-specific information on our website.

Unless otherwise noted, the application deadline is on 31 May 2022 at 11:59pm UTC.

You can visit our call webpage to find out more details about eligibility and how to apply.

For further details please download this file: GACD Call for proposal

Call for proposals: Collaborative Research and Development to Leverage Philippine Economy (CRADLE) Program

We are pleased to announce that the DOST – Collaborative Research and Development to Leverage Philippine Economy (CRADLE) Program released a call for research proposals.

The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is implementing the Collaborative Research and Development to Leverage Philippine Economy
(CRADLE) Program as part of its Accelerated R&D Program for Capacity Building of R&D Institutions and Industrial Competitiveness under the Science for Change Program.

Through the CRADLE Program, an industry is expected to identify a problem while its partner Higher Education Institution (HEI) or Research Development Institution (RDI) will undertake the necessary research and development (R&D) to find solutions. A CRADLE project can have a maximum funding of Php 5M, to be completed for a period of one to three years.

Who may apply?1
Any duly recognized HEI/RDI* with a proven track record in R&D in partnership with at least one Filipino-owned company which has been operating for at least 3 years.
*Please note that the academic institution prepares and submits the project proposal while collaborating with the partner company.
What are the requirements for eligibility of the industry partner?
To be an eligible industry partner, the company must:

  1. Be Filipino-owned
  2. Be operating in the Philippines for at least 3 years and be able to provide of active compliance with statutory regulations
  3. Provide at least 20% of the project cost as counterpart funding (in cash, in kind, or person-hours)
  4. Commit to adopt the output of the research (by signing a technology adoption certificate). Plans for the use of the proposed technology and the mode of technology transfer after the project must be included and clearly discussed in the business plan.
  5. Show how the research output will be adopted

What types of proposals may be submitted?

All proposals must be in line with the priority R&D areas and industries identified by the DOST and Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), namely:

  1. Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry
  2. Agri-processing
  3. Drug and Herbal Development
  4. Food and Nutrition
  5. Information and Communications Technology (includes Artificial Intelligence)
  6. IC Design
  7. Semiconductor and Electronics
  8. Infrastructure and Logistics
  9. Manufacturing
  10. Environment and Climate Change
  11. Industrial Waste Treatment
  12. Renewable Energy
  13. Creative Industries/Knowledge-based Services

What are the application requirements?

  • Capsule proposal using the DOST Form No. 1A and 1B (downloadable at www.;
  • Letter of intent signed by both the HEI/RDI and the industry partner;
  • Certification from the industry partner that they will adopt
    the R&D output;
  • Copy of business permits and licenses of the industry partner
    from relevant LGUs and other government offices; and
  • Certificate of Registration of Business Name with DTI, SEC,
    or CDA
    Other requirements that may be needed:
  • Full-blown proposal using DOST Form No. 2A and 2B
    (downloadable at the DOST website:
  • Financial statements in the past three years for the industry
    partner duly signed by a CPA/Auditor, and projected financial
    statements for the next five years
  • Business plan, including details of how the research outputs
    from the projects will be used

Submit your proposal, either by post or email, to:
Office of the Undersecretary for Research and Development 2/F ADMATEL Bldg., DOST Compound Gen. Santos Ave., Bicutan, Taguig City Email address:

Call for Proposal: Women-Helping-Women: Innovating Social Enterprises (WHWise) Program

We are pleased to announce that the Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD) is announcing its new program for women-led startups. We would like to invite qualified applicants to the Call for Proposals for the Women- Helping-Women: Innovating Social Enterprises (WHWise) Program. The program will support women social entrepreneurs who has a need to access technology, early stage funding and customized gender-focused support.

How to apply?

Step 1: Prepare a Full-Blown Proposal containing the following:

  1. Title of the proposed project
  2. Duration of the proposed project
  3. Description of the customized incubation program and activities that will support women-led enterprises onboarded onto the program
  4. Objective and scope of the proposed project
  5. Methodology and expected outputs
  6. A work plan or Gantt Chart of activities
  7. Curriculum vitae of the project leader
  8. Line-Item-Budget
  9. Endorsement letter from the Agency Head

Step 2: Step 2: Submit the Full-Blown Proposal to the DOST Project Management Information System (DPMIS) through this link: starting May 14 to June 15, 2021.
How will we assess your application? The project proposal shall be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Social and Environmental Impacts
    Program Design for the women-led enterprises
  2. Management Capability the technical and managerial capacity of the proponent Demonstrates a competent and experienced leadership
    Availability of competent and reliable workforce and facilities
  3. Manageable Timeframe Appropriate workplan to execute the proposed program design
  4. Network Linkage Women industry partners, mentors, advisers, and potential investors to be involved in the project

Requirements for the proposal include the following:

  • Letter of Intent and Endorsement from the head of the institution addressed to: 
    • Executive Director 
    • Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD) 
    • Department of Science and Technology (DOST) 
    • 4th and 5th Level, Science Heritage Building, DOST Compound, Gen. Santos Ave., Bicutan, Taguig City 1631 
  • Detailed DOST-GIA Proposal Format through the DPMIS
  • Supplementary Files uploaded:
    • Scientific Basis/Theoretical Framework
    • Workplan
    • Gender and Development Score
    • Details of Line-Item Budget
    • Risk Management Plan
    • Curriculum Vitae of Proponent/Project Leader

Further info can be seen at:

Or download this file:

Call for proposals: Collaborative Research and Development to Leverage Philippine Economy (CRADLE) Program

We are pleased to announce that the DOST – Collaborative Research and Development to Leverage Philippine Economy (CRADLE) Program released a call for research proposals.

The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is implementing the Collaborative Research and Development to Leverage Philippine Economy
(CRADLE) Program as part of its Accelerated R&D Program for Capacity Building of R&D Institutions and Industrial Competitiveness under the Science for Change Program.

Through the CRADLE Program, an industry is expected to identify a problem while its partner Higher Education Institution (HEI) or Research Development Institution (RDI) will undertake the necessary research and development (R&D) to find solutions. A CRADLE project can have a maximum funding of Php 5M, to be completed for a period of one to three years.

Who may apply?1
Any duly recognized HEI/RDI* with a proven track record in R&D in partnership with at least one Filipino-owned company which has been operating for at least 3 years.
*Please note that the academic institution prepares and submits the project proposal while collaborating with the partner company.
What are the requirements for eligibility of the industry partner?
To be an eligible industry partner, the company must:

  1. Be Filipino-owned
  2. Be operating in the Philippines for at least 3 years and be able to provide of active compliance with statutory regulations
  3. Provide at least 20% of the project cost as counterpart funding (in cash, in kind, or person-hours)
  4. Commit to adopt the output of the research (by signing a technology adoption certificate). Plans for the use of the proposed technology and the mode of technology transfer after the project must be included and clearly discussed in the business plan.
  5. Show how the research output will be adopted

What types of proposals may be submitted?

All proposals must be in line with the priority R&D areas and industries identified by the DOST and Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), namely:

  1. Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry
  2. Agri-processing
  3. Drug and Herbal Development
  4. Food and Nutrition
  5. Information and Communications Technology (includes Artificial Intelligence)
  6. IC Design
  7. Semiconductor and Electronics
  8. Infrastructure and Logistics
  9. Manufacturing
  10. Environment and Climate Change
  11. Industrial Waste Treatment
  12. Renewable Energy
  13. Creative Industries/Knowledge-based Services

What are the application requirements?

  • Capsule proposal using the DOST Form No. 1A and 1B (downloadable at www.;
  • Letter of intent signed by both the HEI/RDI and the industry partner;
  • Certification from the industry partner that they will adopt
    the R&D output;
  • Copy of business permits and licenses of the industry partner
    from relevant LGUs and other government offices; and
  • Certificate of Registration of Business Name with DTI, SEC,
    or CDA
    Other requirements that may be needed:
  • Full-blown proposal using DOST Form No. 2A and 2B
    (downloadable at the DOST website:
  • Financial statements in the past three years for the industry
    partner duly signed by a CPA/Auditor, and projected financial
    statements for the next five years
  • Business plan, including details of how the research outputs
    from the projects will be used

Submit your proposal, either by post or email, to:
Office of the Undersecretary for Research and Development 2/F ADMATEL Bldg., DOST Compound Gen. Santos Ave., Bicutan, Taguig City Email address:

Call for Proposals: Niche Centers in the Regions (NICER)

We are pleased to announce that the Niche Centers in the Regions (NICER) released a call for research proposals.

The Niche Centers in the Regions (NICER) for R&D is a component of the DOST’s Accelerated R&D Program for Capacity Building of Research and Development Institutions and Industrial Competitiveness under the Science for Change Program.

The DOST, through the NICER Program will capacitate Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the regions to make significant improvement in regional research by integrating its development needs with the existing R&D research capabilities and resources. It will provide institutional grant for R&D capacity building to improve their S&T infrastructure.

What are the application requirements?

  • Capsule proposal with at least three (3) component R&D projects using DOST Form No. 1A and 1B;
  • Line Item Budget for the whole program with breakdown for each corresponding component project;
  • CV of project leader and all co-researchers/ implementers; and,
  • Endorsement of the RDC for the full blown proposal (once the Capsule proposal is endorsed)
    Other additional requirements for submission:
     inventory of MS/PhD faculty members and researchers
     number of graduate students (MS/PhD) per course
     list of existing R&D centers and Technology Licensing Office
     list of publications of involved personnel
     list of collaborating and cooperating partner universities with corresponding letter(s) of support

Deadline of submissions is on 3 June 2021

For further details you can visit the DOST Website at this link:

Call for Policy Papers on Higher Education Interventions for the Better Normal

We are pleased to announce that the UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies is seeking to publish the latest policy and research papers on higher education.

In line with the UP CIDS program goals, they are hoping you can compose a Policy Paper of about 3,000 to 6,000 words on the interventions of the University wants to deliver a better normal for our constituencies during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. In the Policy Paper, the proponent can discuss the context and content of, among others, your pandemic-related past memoranda as well as current and future initiatives.

To aid you in crafting your Policy Paper, we have attached a copy of our consolidated resources which includes reports and school/HEIs memos related to COVID-19 response. For this call, the policy paper outline is as follows:
• Situation analysis
• Pandemic response framework
• Administrative, technological, and andragogical interventions
• Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms

Deadline of submission of manuscript is on 31 March 2021. Should you need more information you can email Ms. Marrhon Mangalus at

2022 Innovators in Science Award

We are pleased to announce that the Takeda Pharmaceuticals and the New York Academy of Sciences is opening a call for nominations entitled “The 2022 Innovators in Science Award” that will will recognize scientists from around the globe for their exceptional research in Gastroenterology

The University of the Philippines Manila is is invited to nominate one (1) promising Early-Career Scientist and one (1) outstanding Senior Scientist conducting research in Gastroenterology as candidates for the 2022 Innovators in Science Award.The nomination period begins April 1, 2021 and ends May 27, 2021.

The Awards will be conferred at a formal ceremony and symposium in Tokyo, Japan, on March 28-29, 2022.

You may refer to the Award Guidelines, available at, for details on nominee eligibility, nomination requirements, and evaluation criteria (to download a flyer summarizing this information, please click here). A list of frequently asked questions is also available to assist you during the online nomination process.

Additionally, we will be hosting a free Call for Nominations Webinar on Thursday, March 25, 2021 at 10:30am ET. Webinar participants will learn about Award program eligibility, nomination guidelines, and evaluation criteria to help them assemble a competitive nomination package. Program administrators from the Academy will conclude the webinar with a question and answer period to clarify program requirements. Webinar materials will be available for reference after the webinar at

Timeline for the 2022 Innovators in Science Award in Gastroenterology

March 25, 2021Call for Nominations Webinar
April 1, 2021Nominations open
May 27, 2021Nominations close
Nov-21Innovators in Science Award Winners Announced
March 28-29, 2022Innovators in Science Award Ceremony and Symposium in Tokyo, Japan

For further information you may visit the Takeda website at

Call for Proposals 2021-2022: Philippine Council for Health Research and Development

We are pleased to announce to announce that is DOST-PCHRD is accepting research and development (R&D) proposals for funding in 2021-2022 The call for proposals is for specific R&D priority areas under the Harmonized National R and D Agenda (HNRDA) which hinges on DOST’s S&T thrusts, emerging and re-emerging health concerns that prevail in the country.

This call encourages public and private higher education institutes, research and development institutes and non-profit organizations to conduct applied R&D and forge collaboration by and among organizations involved in health R&D.

For more info you can email them at

Call for Proposals: Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership

We are pleased to announce that the Philippine APEC Study Center Network (PASCN) and Philippine Institute of for Development Studies (PIDS) released a call for research proposals.

The following are the topics that is requested to be focused on are: 1) Agriculture and Fisheries; (2) Tourism; (3) Labor and Employment; (4) Trade in Services; (5) Investments; (6) Education; and (7) MSMEs. Other topics under RCEP are also welcome. 

Deadline of submissions will be on March 15, 2021.

For further details you may download the brief description of the call, Application form and guide for the research proposal template: