Cash Advance


We are pleased to announce that the Department of Science and Technology – Technology Application and Promotion Institute (DOST-TAPI) has a call for a proposal entitled “TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION FOR COMMERCIALIZATION (TECHNICOM)”

Call Description: The Technology Innovation for Commercialization Program (TECHNiCOM) aims to fast-track the transfer, utilization, and commercialization of R&D outputs to contribute to the country’s sustainable development thru relevant technological platforms.

Through TECHNiCOM, we provide technopreneurs with an easily accessible multimillion pre-commercialization grant and linkage to DOST-TAPI’s technology and innovation support programs.

Priority Areas: The Program shall provide priority funding to pre-commercialization activities of projects aligned to national S&T priorities and project proposal’s strategic relevance to national development, based on the priority areas of the DOST’s Harmonized National R&D Agenda (HNRDA) for 2017-2022 . These areas are the following:

Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources

  1. Crops
  2. Livestock
  3. Aquatic
  4. Environment
  5. Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction


  1. Diagnostics
  2. Drug discovery and development
  3. Functional Food
  4. Hospital equipment and biomedical devices
  5. Information and communication technology for health
  6. Dengue
  7. Nutrition and food quality and safety
  8. Disaster risk reduction
  9. Climate Change Adaptation
  10. Omic technologies for health (platform technology across research priorities)

*NOTE: For drug discovery and development proposals, to be qualified under the Program and to ensure safety and effectiveness, the technology must be at TRL 7 (completed at least Phase II trials). For medical devices, the technology must be at TRL 6.

Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology

  1. Food and Nutrition Security
  2. Countryside development
  3. Competitive industries
  4. Delivery of social services
  5. Intelligent transportation solutions
  6. Renewable energy and energy storage solutions
  7. Materials science
  8. Human security

Who can apply:

The following may apply for the Program, provided that (1) their previous R&D was not funded, managed, nor monitored by any of the DOST Sectoral Councils or other DOST GIA Programs1,  and (2) that they secure and present a favorable endorsement from a DOST Regional Office:

  1. Research and Development Institutions (RDIs);
  2. State Universities and Colleges (SUCs);
  3. Private Higher Education Institutions (HEIs); and
  4. Startup companies/firms, provided additionally that they secure and present an endorsement from the appropriate DOST Sectoral Council.

Closing date: 2nd Wave of Call for Proposals | 31 August 2022 | 5 PM

For more information regarding submission click this link:

2nd Call for Research or Thesis Proposals for Funding by the UPM National Institutes of Health, UPM Student Researcher Grant 2022

We are pleased to announce the 2nd Call for Research or Thesis Proposals for Funding by the UPM National Institutes of Health, UPM Student Researcher Grant 2022. This grant provides funding support for thesis/research of UP Manila undergraduate students, and masteral students without any scholarship.

Deadline of submission is on 15 September 2022 (Thursday)

Kindly see the following requirements for submission:

  1. One (1) printed copy of the full thesis/research proposal
  2. Electronic copy (Word file) of the full thesis/research proposal
  3. Endorsement letter signed by the Thesis/Research Adviser, Department Chair and
    College Dean
  4. Thesis panel certificate of approval
  5. Certificate of approval or proof of submission of the research proposal to the
    appropriate review panel (UPMREB, IACUC, IBBC, etc.). (note : review panel
    approval is expected within 2 months of the grant approval)
  6. Registration with RGAO at

Submissions should be sent to Ms. Katrina Mañago of the Office of the Deputy Director for
Research Operations at Room 109, NIH Bldg., UP Manila. For inquiries, you may call (02)
85264349 or email

For further details, you may may download this announcement: 

Call for Proposals: DOST Innovation Grants FY 2022

We are pleased to announce that the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) has a new call for proposals with the title Innovation Grants FY 2022.

The Innovation Grant is in pursuant to RA No. 11293 (Philippine Innovation Act) and the Special Provision No. 1 of the RA No. 11518 (General Appropriation Act of 2021) which authorize NEDA to issue grants programs, projects, and activities that work on promoting all potential types and sources of innovation proposed by National Government Agencies (NGA) and its attached agencies, Local Government Units (LGUs), State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), and Government-Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCCs). Specifically, programs, projects, and activities eligible for the grant include the following:

  • MSME Innovation program
  • Regional innovation and cluster policy
  • Strategic research, development, and extension
  • Innovation Instruments
  • Diaspora for innovation and development
  • Advocacy and community education

In addition, the following activities may qualify for the Innovation Grant:

  • Development and Implementation of Innovative Projects
  • Enhancement of Innovation Facilities and Services
  • Support to Innovation Policy Research
  • Building Capacities and Expanding Opportunities for Innovation

It also includes activities that strengthen the innovation ecosystem through the establishment of innovation centers and business incubators under Section 13 of the Philippine Innovation Act and employment of innovation instruments under Section 16 of the same law.

Interested applicants may submit their proposals, duly endorsed and approved through appropriate channels, to until 30 June 2022, 5PM. You may also share this information to other interested public institutions that may be qualified for the grant. For detailed information on the call for proposals, kindly visit

Should you have any inquiries, you may directly reach the Innovation Fund Management Division through email at or contact number 8-631-0960 local 21615

Call for Applications: The Gelia Castillo Award for Research on Social Innovations in Health (GCARSIH)

DOST-PCHRD and DOH, in collaboration with SIHI-Philippines and the Foundation for the Advancement of Clinical Epidemiology, Inc., are proud to announce the second call of applications for the Gelia Castillo Award for Research on Social Innovations in Health (GCARSIH).

This 2022, we are once again searching for innovative solutions that address key health challenges and improve healthcare delivery in the Philippines. We want to recognize these innovations developed by Filipinos for Filipinos, and to help with further development and scale up!

You can read more about the award here. You will also find the Submission Entry Form (with guidelines) attached to this email. Submissions will be accepted until May 31, 2022.

For any further inquiries, email You can also check out this video for more information:

Extension of Deadline: UPM Student Research Grant 2022

We are pleased to announce the extension for the submission of application for the UPM Student Researcher Grant for CY 2022. This grant provides funding support for thesis/research of UP Manila undergraduate students, and masteral students without any scholarship.

Deadline of submission is on March 15, 2022.

For further details, you may may download this announcement: Extension Call for Proposals NIH Student Researcher Grant 2022

Grants Notice: Reducing the Tuberculosis Burden in U.S. Bound Populations from the Philippines

We would like to announce that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has a call for a proposal entitled “Reducing the Tuberculosis Burden in U.S. Bound Populations from the Philippines”

Call Description: Immigrant and refugee applicants for US immigration are required to undergo a medical examination pursuant to section 232 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) (8 U.S.C. 1222). Sections 212(a)(1) and 232 of the INA, and section 325 of the Public Health Service (PHS) Act (42 U.S.C. 252) grant the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) authority to publish regulations that establish the requirements for, and components of, the medical examination of aliens. HHS/CDC Part 34 regulations entitled Medical Examination of Aliens regulations also define the communicable diseases of public health significance that make aliens inadmissible to the United States and provide that all medical examinations shall be carried out in accordance with the Technical Instructions for physicians conducting the medical examination of aliens as may be issued by the Director of Quarantine.

This NOFO is intended to implement strategies to reduce the incidence of TB in the Philippines and to reduce the tuberculosis burden in US bound populations from the Philippines in order to reduce the burden needed to be detected by US panel physicians.  The aim is to engage public health officials to develop and implement a system to identify persons at risk of TB infection; provide training support to regions with elevated rates of TB and drug-resistant TB; build the capacity of local jurisdictions to treat and care for individuals with TB; and develop and implement trainings for public health partners to increase knowledge and promote TB identification, diagnosis, and treatment best practices.  

The due date for the submission of the application is on May 1, 2022.

For further details you may visit this link:

Call for Research or Thesis Proposal for Funding by the UPM-National Institutes of Health, UPM Student Research Grant 2022

We are pleased to announce that the Office of the Executive Director, National Institutes of Health is now accepting the applications for the UPM Student Researcher Grant for CY2022. The grants provides funding support for thesis/research of UP Manila undergraduate students, medical students, and masteral students without any scholarship.

The deadline for submission is on 28 February 2022.

For more details please download this file: UPM Student Research Grant 2022

Call for Proposal: PCHRD OMICS Technologies for Health Program

We are pleased to announce that the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) has a new call for proposals that are focused on OMIC Technologies for Health Program.

The OMIC Technologies for Health Program utilizes information from different ‘OMIC’ technologies, such as genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics and bioinformatics, as input to the development of precision medicine, diagnostics, therapeutics, and as a support to health & clinical practice guidelines and policies of the Philippines.

The continuity of the country’s long-term investments in OMICS research is ensured in this current Call for Proposals, which will focus on building on the collective success of the previous projects and programs while encouraging the submission of proposals on other important but often overlooked health research and policy issues. Neuroscience OMICS, cancer research, researches on rare diseases, translational studies on CDs, and population and forensic studies will be at the forefront, along with the possible adaptation of the genomic biosurveillance model developed for SARS-CoV-2 strains to other emerging and re-emerging disease.

Submission period: 01 March 2022 – 31 March 2022 (5PM) via the DOST DPMIS (

For more information you may download this file: Call for Proposal OMIC Technologies for Health Program

Call for Proposal: 2022 CDKL5 Programs of Excellence Pilot Grant Program – LOI

We are pleased to announce that the Orphan Disease Center and Loulou Foundation has released a call for grant that will support research related to CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder (CDD). CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder (CDD) is a monogenic, neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by treatment-resistant epilepsy and severe neurodevelopmental delay. The disease is driven by the loss of a kinase called CDKL5 which is responsible for normal neuronal development, synapse formation, and signal transmission. The mechanisms by which loss of CDKL5 expression leads to this CNS disorder remain unclear. The gene encoding this protein is located on the X chromosome, with heterozygous females primarily affected. The disease does not exhibit neurodegeneration, and animal models strongly suggest the potential for reversibility. There are no approved therapies and the current standard of care is not effective at managing seizures or improving neurodevelopmental or motor deficits.  

Letters of Interest (LOIs) are due no later than FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2022, by 5pm EST.  Grant criteria, the entire RFA, and additional program details can be found here

For more details you may download the attached file:

Call for proposal: PCIEERD Institution Development Program 2022

The program aims to strengthen the capability of institutions to undertake research in S&T fields included in PCIEERD priority areas. It also provides support for equipment acquisition and upgrading of laboratory resources.

The IDP aims to upgrade and/or develop the research capabilities of the academic and research institutions and relevant DOST-attached agencies, through the development and/or upgrading of its research laboratories and facilities. 

The deadline for submission is on February 18, 2022.

For further details, you may download this file link or visit their website: Institution Development (