
DOST – Regional Grants in Aid (RGIA)

We are pleased to announce that the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Regional Grants-In-Aid Program (RGIA) is now accepting proposals that aims to harness the country’s scientific and technological capabilities to spur and attain a sustainable economic growth and development.

The priority areas are as follows:

  1. Agriculture and food
  2. Biotechnology
  3. Disaster Mitigation and Management.
  4. Electronics
  5. Environment and Natural Resources.
  6. Energy
  7. Health and Health Products.
  8. Information and Communication Technology
  9. Manufacturing
  10. Nanotechnology
  11. Engineering.

Attached is the Call for Proposal for your reference.

Kindly see attached Call for Proposals for details on submission and requirements. You may also contact Mr. Jansen Hernandez or Ms. Katherine Mojica at tel. nos. 837-2071 local 2018-19 or 837-3162.

Thank you for your continued interest in health research and development.

Call for Proposals: PCIEERD 2020 Call for Proposals

We are pleased to announce that the Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD) of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is ready to accept research and development (R&D)/Science and Technology (S&T) proposals for 2020. This call for proposals is for specific priority areas identified in the Harmonized National R&D Agenda (HNRDA) 2017-2022.

Scope of R&D Work:

1. Integrated and Intelligent Sensors and Actuators (IISA) for Intelligent Factories;

2. Convergence of Philippine Technologies for Smarter City Development;

3. Energy Storage Module;

4. Renewable Energy and Energy-Efficient Technologies; 5. Development of a Prototype for Ballast Water Treatment and Ships’ Biofouling Control and Management.

Attached is the Call for Proposals for more information or you can visit

The deadline for submission of proposals is on August 02, 2019. For inquiries, kindly coordinate with the Research Grants Administration Office (, 567-2054)

Thank you for your continued interest in health research and development.

National Commission for Culture and The Arts: 2020 Call for Research Proposal Competitive Grants

We are pleased to announce that the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) is now accepting proposals for 2020. The project objective is to educate the community on the importance of healthy and sustainable living by creating a communal garden that will utilize indigenous/local species of edible and ornamental plants.

Attached is the Call for Proposal for your reference. You may visit this link: for more information.

The deadline for submission of proposals is on July 31, 2018. For inquiries, kindly coordinate with the Research Grants Administration Office (, 567-2054)

Thank you for your continued interest in health research and development.

Call for Proposals: Collaborative Research and Development to Leverage Philippine Economy (CRADLE) Program

We are pleased to announce that the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is accepting proposals through its program entitled “Collaborative Research and Development to Leverage Philippine Economy (CRADLE) Program”

Under this call, the Department of Scienc and Technology (DOST) are requiring all the proposals submitted should be in line with the priority R&D areas and industries identified by the DOST itself and Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), namely:

• Agri-processing (includes drug and herbal development)
• Agriculture, Fishery and Forestry
• IC Design
• Semi-conductor and Electronics
• Creative Industries/Knowledge-based Services
• Renewable Energy
• Industrial Waste Treatment
• Information and Communication Technology (includes Artificial Intelligence)
• Food and Nutrition
• Infrastructure and Logistics
• Environment and Climate Change
• Manufacturing

The HEI/RDI should have at least one industry partner to collaborate with. The industry partner will provide counterpart of at least twenty percent (20%) of the total project cost. Counterpart may be in cash, in kind, or person-hours support in the academe.

Further Instructions can be seen through this link (

Deadline for Submission of Proposals is on 14 June 2019.

Thank you for your continued interest in health service and development.

Extension of Deadline for the Call for Full Proposals for Funding by the UPM-NIH Research Fund 2019

We are pleased to announce the extension for submission of application for the UPM-NIH Research Grant 2019. This regular research grant program will provide funding support to UP Manila researchers who will conduct relevant and innovative researches that will generate new knowledge and evidence for the improvement of health.

The priority areas for research are based on the NUHRA 2017-2022, as follows:

  1. Responsive health systems : Health governance, health financing, access to essential medical products/vaccines and technologies, health information systems, health service delivery, health human resources, health economics, health research management
  2. Research to enhance and extend healthy lives : adolescent health, communicable diseases, environmental health, maternal, newborn and child health, mental health, non-communicable diseases, nutrition, oral health, reproductive health
  3. Holistic approaches to health and wellness : Filipino traditional and complementary medicine, determinants of health, halal in health, health behaviors
  4. Health resiliency : accidents and injuries, climate change, disaster risk reduction and health emergencies, emerging and re-emerging diseases, environmental threats to health, occupational health and migration
  5. Global competitiveness and innovation in health : diagnostics, drug discovery and development, functional foods, information and communication technologies for health, biomedical products and engineering, OMIC technologies
  6. Research in equity and health : disability, gender, geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas, geriatric case, HIV/AIDS and other STIs, indigenous peoples, substance abuse, violence, other vulnerable populations

The research proposals from these projects should aim for publication in an ISI or peer-reviewed journal.

Please submit your full protocol on or before 17 May 2019 using the prescribed form (Form 3.1 (A) 2010 Research Project Proposal Format) which may be requested from the Research Grants Administration Office (RGAO), UP Manila.

Proposals from researchers with outstanding obligations related to their previous NIH research projects will not be accepted.

For inquiry, please coordinate with Ms. Ionee Ibarrientos at

Unitaid: Accelerating impact of long-acting technologies in low and middle-income countries.

We are pleased to announce that Unitaid is now accepting proposals entitled “Accelerating Impact of Long-acting technologies in low- and middle – income countries”.

Under this call, Unitaid is soliciting proposals to support development of long-acting products of medicines to treat and/or prevent diseases affecting LMICs, notably HIV, HIV coinfections/comorbidities, TB, and malaria, with broader consideration for management of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

You can visit this link: for more detailed information and downloadable forms.

The deadline for submission of proposals online is on April 23, 2019 12 noon CET. For inquiries, kindly coordinate with the Research Grants Administration Office (, 567-2054) Thank you for your continued interest in health research and development.

e-ASIA Joint Research Program Call for Proposal

We are pleased to announce that the e-ASIA Joint Research Program (the e-ASIA JRP) Research Cooperation in the field of “Health Research” on the topic of “Infectious Diseases, Antimicrobial and Multidrug Resistance, and Cancer Research” is now accepting proposals for the following priority areas:

  1. Infectious Diseases.
  2. Antimicrobial and Multidrug Resistance.
  3. Cancer.

You can visit this link: for more detailed information.

The deadline for submission of proposals online is on April 15, 2019. For inquiries, kindly coordinate with the Research Grants Administration Office (, 567-2054)

Thank you for your continued interest in health research and development.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Grand Challenges Opportunity

We are pleased to announce that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is accepting proposals for the latest round of Global Grand Challenges entitled “Neglected Tropical Diseases Data Innovation Incubator. This grand challenge seeks innovative ideas for how to improve the quality, completeness and timeliness of routine NTD data and ensure programmatic decision-making is based on the best available data.

Attached are the funding opportunity descriptions of the grant and the Grand Challenges Application instructions Electronic copies for this funding opportunity can be accessed online at

The deadline for submission of proposal is on 25 March 2019, 11:30 am Pacific Time: For inquiries, kindly coordinate with the Research Grant Administration Office (, 567-2054).

Thank you for your continued interest in health service and development.

Call for Full Proposals for Funding by the UPM-NIH Research Fund 2019

We are pleased to announce that research proposals for funding for calendar year 2019 are now being accepted by the Office of the Executive Director, National Institutes of Health.

The priority areas for research are based on the NUHRA 2017-2022, as follows:

  1. Responsive health systems: Health governance, health financing, access to essential medical products/vaccines and technologies, health information systems, health service delivery, health human resources, health economics, health research management
  2. Research to enhance and extend healthy lives: adolescent health, communicable diseases, environmental health, maternal, newborn and child health, mental health, non-communicable diseases, nutrition, oral health, reproductive health
  3. Holistic approaches to health and wellness: Filipino traditional and complementary medicine, determinants of health, halal in health, health behaviors
  4. Health resiliency: accidents and injuries, climate change, disaster risk reduction and health emergencies, emerging and re-emerging diseases, environmental threats to health, occupational health and migration.
  5. Global competitiveness and innovation in health: diagnostics, drug discovery and development, functional foods, information and communication technologies for health, biomedical products and engineering, OMIC technologies
  6. Research in equity and health: disability, gender, geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas (GIDA), geriatric case, HIV/AIDS and other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STls), indigenous peoples, substance abuse, violence, other vulnerable populations

The research proposals from these projects should aim for publication in an ISI or peer­ reviewed journal.

Please submit your full protocol on or before 30 April 2019 using the prescribed form (Form

3.1 (A) 2010 Research Project Proposal Format which may be requested from the Research Grants Administration Office (RGAO), UP Manila.

Proposals from researchers with outstanding obligations related to their previous NIH research projects will not be accepted.

For inquiry, please coordinate with Ms. lonee lbarrientos at