Cash Advance

Call for Submission of Research Abstract: 7th SMEC Research Congress 2025: “Transforming Education and Research Towards a Sustainable Tomorrow”

We are delighted to announce that the 7th SMEC Research Congress 2025, titled “Transforming Education and Research Towards a Sustainable Tomorrow,” is now accepting submissions for research abstracts.

The deadline for submission is January 15, 2025, which falls on a Wednesday. For further details, please refer to the flyer provided below:

Call for Proposals: NIH Student Research Grant 2025

We are pleased to announce that the UP Manila National Institutes of Health (NIH) is now
accepting the first (1st) batch of applications for the NIH Student Research Grant 2025.

This grant provides funding support for theses/research projects of UP Manilaundergraduate, masteral, PhD, and medical students. A research grant of up to P100,000.00each shall be given to deserving research projects to subsidize expenses for maintenanceand other operating expenses (MOOE) only. The thesis/research adviser should endorse theapplication and will be responsible for the disbursement and liquidation of funds.

This grant provides funding support for theses/research projects of UP Manilaundergraduate, masteral, PhD, and medical students. A research grant of up to P100,000.00each shall be given to deserving research projects to subsidize expenses for maintenanceand other operating expenses (MOOE) only. The thesis/research adviser should endorse theapplication and will be responsible for the disbursement and liquidation of funds.The proposals shall be evaluated based on relevance and scientific merit, subject toappropriate ethical clearance. Successful applicants are strongly encouraged to publish theirresults in reputable peer-reviewed journals, and are required to submit to NIH theirmanuscript in a publishable format ready for submission.

To apply for the grant, kindly submit electronic copies of the following requirements on or
before 31 January 2025, until 11:59 PM:

  1. Word file and pdf of the Full Thesis/Research Proposal;
    Note: The proposal should include Line-Item Budget (LIB) and Work Plan/Gantt chart
    of activities. All annexes (e.g. ICFs, interview questions, etc.) should be attached to
    the proposal and not be submitted as separate files.
  2. Endorsement Letter addressed to Dr. Eva Maria C. Cutiongco-de la Paz (NIH
    Executive Director); signed by the Thesis/Research Adviser, Department Chair, and
    College Dean;
  3. Certificate of RGAO Registration (register at;
  4. Certificate of Technical Review Approval from thesis review panel; and
  5. UPMREB/IACUC/IBBC Certificate of Approval / Exemption from review, OR
    Acknowledgment Letter with PRID as proof of UPMREB’s acceptance of the proposal
    Submissions should be sent via email to Ms. Katrina P. Mañago at For inquiries, you may send a message to the said email
    address, or call 8526-4349.
    Thank you for your continued interest in health research and development.

Call for proposals: Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Philippines

We are pleased to announce that The Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Philippines invites interested
researchers to submit capsule proposals under the 2024 HTA Topics – Batch 3 Call [FEC topics and Cycle 1 topics for Economic Assessments and Ethical, Legal, Social, and Health Systems Implication (ELSHI) Assessments]

  • This call consists of prioritized health technology topics that underwent clinical assessment under the HTA general track and are proceeding to the following assessments:
    • Economic assessment: Economic evaluation (EE), Budget Impact Analysis (BIA) and
      Household Financial Impact (HFI) Analysis
    • ELSHI assessment: Scoping review of ELSHI evidence (and systematic review and primary data collection, if deemed necessary)

For more details, you may see the file below:

Extension of Deadline for EIDR Program Cycle 10 Call for Proposals

We are pleased to announce that the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (OVPAA) has extended their call for submission for the proposals of the Emerging Interdisciplinary Research Program Cycle 10 Applications.

The new submission deadline is January 31, 2025. For more details regarding the submission, kindly click this link: Call for proposals: EIDR Cycle 10 Applications.

Information regarding the extension of the call for proposals can be seen in this link: OVPAA Memo2024-130

Call for applicants: Leaders in Innovation Fellowship (LIF) Global 2025

We are pleased to announce that the Leadership in Innovation Fellowships (LIF) Global 2025 is now accepting applications for innovators from the Philippines. The program supports entrepreneurs with a technology prototype to create an entrepreneurial mindset, empowering them to contribute positive impact in the community.

Below are the main eligibility criteria:

  • The innovation must be at technology readiness level 4 or above, and evidence of a prototype should be provided in the application;
  • The applicant’s innovation can be any new product, technology or service, based on research in engineering defined in its broadest sense to encompass a wide range of fields, including, but not limited to:
    • Agriculture technology, Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Design Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, and Medical Engineering, among others;
  • Candidates must be the original innovator and own shares in the company created;
  • The innovation should have the potential to benefit the Philippines, and/or other countries, in terms of improving social welfare and driving economic development, and they should contribute one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals;
  • The primary application of the innovation must NOT be in the defence, military, or fossil fuel-based energy sectors;
  • LIF Alumni and candidates with an innovation/business that has been supported by LIF before cannot apply;
  • Applicants must be able to commit to LIF Global for a minimum of 4 hours during onboarding (13 and 14 December), and at least 20 days for training and mentoring between January and July, including 4 days (travel excluded) of in-person training in the Philippines and 14 days for the UK Residential in July. This implies being able to secure permission from all relevant employers to attend the programme if selected. The Academy will provide documentation on LIF counting as training or continuous personal development if required once you have joined the cohort;
  • Applicants must be able to commit to travel internationally. All costs associated with the LIF Global programme will be paid for by the Royal Academy of Engineering, with the exception of visas and travel insurance. Participants will be asked to purchase a travel insurance covering COVID-19 testing and quarantine costs. The Academy will consider covering the costs of any caring needs related to travel on a case-by-case basis;
  • Candidates will need to demonstrate fluency in English and must have a strong interest in commercialization to participate.

Kindly note that the deadline of the application is on 15 October 2024 (9:00 PM, Manila time). More details on the LIF Global 2025 including the application process can be accessed in the following link: For any inquiries, your office may directly contact Ms. Mary Rose Anne F. Almazan via the email address:

For more details click the DOST Memo below:

MEMO ITCU-24-00973

Call for proposals: EIDR Cycle 10 Applications

We are pleased to announce the Call for Applications to the Emerging Interdisciplinary Research Program (EIDR) Cycle 10 aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The aim is to support innovative research/ creative work projects that address pressing global challenges while contributing to the achievement of these goals.

We are encouraging faculty and researchers from all disciplines —creative arts, social and natural sciences and engineering,  to submit proposals that clearly connect to one or more of the SDGs. These may include, but are not limited to, climate action, clean energy, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption and production, biodiversity conservation, gender equality, healthcare access, poverty alleviation, and education for all. 

As in the previous EIDR Cycles, each project must not exceed P2.5M per year for a 2-year implementation period. A program proposal may be submitted, comprising a maximum of 4 project components. The OVPAA will now require that the proposals undergo external reviews at the Constituent University (CU) level before submission to OVPAA. The two external reviewers must:

  1. Be identified as an expert in the field of study of the applicant, as evidenced by the expert’s excellent research/ creative work track record and professional standing;
  2. Be at least external to the host CU Unit/ Department/ Institute, i.e. must not be a faculty member/ REPS in the Unit or affiliated with the Unit in any capacity, including participation in any collaborated projects implemented by the Unit;
  3. Have no co-authored publications with the applicant in the last three years; and
  4. Have no collaborated research projects (ongoing or in the proposal stage);

The CU-endorsed program/ project proposals, including the review reports, will be presented to the EIDR Evaluation and Monitoring Committee which will evaluate which project proposals will be recommended for funding. Proposals will be assessed based on the following criteria:

  1. Novelty and intellectual merit of the proposed research and/or creative program
  2. Significance and broad impact on the priority areas it intends to address
  3. Inter/ intra-disciplinary component of the proposed work
  4. Strategy and methodology for its execution
  5. Proponents’/ investigators’ track record in terms of scholarly output, innovation, and mentorship
  6. Involvement of local and foreign collaborators
  7. Feasibility for completion in 2 years, in cases with strong justification, renewable for another 2 years
  8. Availability and access to needed facilities and equipment

The UP-based and foreign-based proponents, as well as local partners, must agree to share intellectual property, publish papers, and produce other academic output together, mentor and produce Masters and PhD graduates together. Funds will be provided directly only to the UP research group, but funds can be used to support the collaboration.

Proponent Eligibility Requirements:

  1. All proponents and co-proponents must be PhD degree holders (or doctoral level equivalent) who are employed by UP as faculty, research faculty, or REPS. 
  2. For research, the proponent must have at least 5 peer-reviewed publications/ policy briefs that are adopted or cited demonstrating the expertise and competence of the proponent to conduct the research/ creative work, three (3) of which must be related to the proposed topics. 

For creative works, the proponent must have at least 3 completed successful gallery exhibitions, performances, concerts that received external jury approval and achieve recognition. 

Project/ Program Expected Outputs:

  1. Research
  1. Copy of the paper published or proof of unconditional acceptance of the manuscript for publication in a Web of Science or Scopus-listed journal; or 
  2. Acceptance of a book or book chapter for publication by an academic press, academic book publisher, prestigious university presses, and other highly regarded international publishers; or
  3. Patent or patent application (i.e., Technical review report from an authorized formal body); and 
  4. One infographics and one Short video film (3-5 min) for the general public

B. Non-Written Creative Work

  1. Documentary evidence of the creative output; or
  2. Technical report including intentions, creative processes and performance details, interpretation, and reflections; or
  3. External jury approval report; and
  4. One infographics and one Short video film (3-5 min) for the general public

The deadline for submission of proposals to OVPAA is on 16 December 2024. The CUs are encouraged to follow the schedule below for reference:

17 September 2024 Call for Applications
15 October 2024Start the CU-level review of project proposals and subject the proposals to external reviews
16 December 2024Deadline for Submission of proposals to OVPAA

The results of the evaluations will be released within two months. 

Please see the additional attachments for more details:


From left to right: UP Faculty Regent Carl Marc Ramota, Dr. Mark Anthony Sandoval, Mr. Arnel Quilatan, Mr. Daryl Byte Farrales, Ms. Cheenee Mabelle Calantoc, Ms. Ionee Bonotan, Mr. Ryan Alba

Delegates from the Research Grants Administration Office (RGAO) participated in the 5th Colleges and Universities Public Service Conference (CUPSCON5) at the Palawan State University-Main Campus in Puerto Princesa, Palawan last 28-30 August 2024. The RGAO team led by Dr. Mark Anthony S. Sandoval presented their research entitled “Profile of research projects on COVID-19 from the health sciences center of the national university of the Philippines: An analysis of a university-wide database.”

The conference aims to gather all public service practitioners, experts, and researchers from the different fields of government agencies as well as private practitioners to share, discuss, and highlight the latest developments and best practices in the utilization of technologies in terms of public service delivery.

#CUPSCON5 #PublicService #ResearchInnovation #RGAO #HealthSciences #COVID19Research #TechInPublicService #ConferenceHighlights #SDG4 #SDG17

Call for proposals: 2nd Call for Applications: 2024 DOST-PCHRD Undergraduate Thesis Grant in Natural Products

We are pleased to inform you that the Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD) announcement on the opening of the second call for applications for the 2024 DOST-PCHRD- Undergraduate Thesis Grant in Natural Products.

Applications for the grant will be through the Regional Health Research and Development Consortia (RHRDCs). For the National Capital Region, applications can be submitted via MMHRDC email at

The deadline for submission of the complete documentary requirements to the consortium is on or before October 31, 2024

Guidelines and list of requirements can be accessed here:

Call for proposal: Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Philippines

The HTA Philippines invites interested Filipino researchers to submit capsule proposals under the HTA Research Agenda 2024 – Batch 2 (Cycle 2 Topics)

The HTA Research Agenda 2024: Batch 2 (Cycle 2 Clinical Assessments) consists of prioritized health technology topics per disease area under the HTA general track.

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Breast cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Diabetes mellitus (DM)
  • Stroke
  • Patients with liver lesions/pathologies
  • Meningococcal infections
  • Diffuse large B Cell Lymphoma

Expression of Interest Deadline: 24 September 2024
Submission Deadline: Within 10 days after expressing interest

Please refer to the attached call guidelines for detailed information on the topics and submission guidelines. [HTA Submission Guidelines]

Kindly email by 24 September 2024 to express your interest.