Call for proposals: EIDR Cycle 10 Applications

We are pleased to announce the Call for Applications to the Emerging Interdisciplinary Research Program (EIDR) Cycle 10 aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The aim is to support innovative research/ creative work projects that address pressing global challenges while contributing to the achievement of these goals.

We are encouraging faculty and researchers from all disciplines —creative arts, social and natural sciences and engineering,  to submit proposals that clearly connect to one or more of the SDGs. These may include, but are not limited to, climate action, clean energy, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption and production, biodiversity conservation, gender equality, healthcare access, poverty alleviation, and education for all. 

As in the previous EIDR Cycles, each project must not exceed P2.5M per year for a 2-year implementation period. A program proposal may be submitted, comprising a maximum of 4 project components. The OVPAA will now require that the proposals undergo external reviews at the Constituent University (CU) level before submission to OVPAA. The two external reviewers must:

  1. Be identified as an expert in the field of study of the applicant, as evidenced by the expert’s excellent research/ creative work track record and professional standing;
  2. Be at least external to the host CU Unit/ Department/ Institute, i.e. must not be a faculty member/ REPS in the Unit or affiliated with the Unit in any capacity, including participation in any collaborated projects implemented by the Unit;
  3. Have no co-authored publications with the applicant in the last three years; and
  4. Have no collaborated research projects (ongoing or in the proposal stage);

The CU-endorsed program/ project proposals, including the review reports, will be presented to the EIDR Evaluation and Monitoring Committee which will evaluate which project proposals will be recommended for funding. Proposals will be assessed based on the following criteria:

  1. Novelty and intellectual merit of the proposed research and/or creative program
  2. Significance and broad impact on the priority areas it intends to address
  3. Inter/ intra-disciplinary component of the proposed work
  4. Strategy and methodology for its execution
  5. Proponents’/ investigators’ track record in terms of scholarly output, innovation, and mentorship
  6. Involvement of local and foreign collaborators
  7. Feasibility for completion in 2 years, in cases with strong justification, renewable for another 2 years
  8. Availability and access to needed facilities and equipment

The UP-based and foreign-based proponents, as well as local partners, must agree to share intellectual property, publish papers, and produce other academic output together, mentor and produce Masters and PhD graduates together. Funds will be provided directly only to the UP research group, but funds can be used to support the collaboration.

Proponent Eligibility Requirements:

  1. All proponents and co-proponents must be PhD degree holders (or doctoral level equivalent) who are employed by UP as faculty, research faculty, or REPS. 
  2. For research, the proponent must have at least 5 peer-reviewed publications/ policy briefs that are adopted or cited demonstrating the expertise and competence of the proponent to conduct the research/ creative work, three (3) of which must be related to the proposed topics. 

For creative works, the proponent must have at least 3 completed successful gallery exhibitions, performances, concerts that received external jury approval and achieve recognition. 

Project/ Program Expected Outputs:

  1. Research
  1. Copy of the paper published or proof of unconditional acceptance of the manuscript for publication in a Web of Science or Scopus-listed journal; or 
  2. Acceptance of a book or book chapter for publication by an academic press, academic book publisher, prestigious university presses, and other highly regarded international publishers; or
  3. Patent or patent application (i.e., Technical review report from an authorized formal body); and 
  4. One infographics and one Short video film (3-5 min) for the general public

B. Non-Written Creative Work

  1. Documentary evidence of the creative output; or
  2. Technical report including intentions, creative processes and performance details, interpretation, and reflections; or
  3. External jury approval report; and
  4. One infographics and one Short video film (3-5 min) for the general public

The deadline for submission of proposals to OVPAA is on 16 December 2024. The CUs are encouraged to follow the schedule below for reference:

17 September 2024 Call for Applications
15 October 2024Start the CU-level review of project proposals and subject the proposals to external reviews
16 December 2024Deadline for Submission of proposals to OVPAA

The results of the evaluations will be released within two months. 

Please see the additional attachments for more details: