Call for proposal: Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Philippines

The HTA Philippines invites interested Filipino researchers to submit capsule proposals under the HTA Research Agenda 2024 – Batch 2 (Cycle 2 Topics)

The HTA Research Agenda 2024: Batch 2 (Cycle 2 Clinical Assessments) consists of prioritized health technology topics per disease area under the HTA general track.

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Breast cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Diabetes mellitus (DM)
  • Stroke
  • Patients with liver lesions/pathologies
  • Meningococcal infections
  • Diffuse large B Cell Lymphoma

Expression of Interest Deadline: 24 September 2024
Submission Deadline: Within 10 days after expressing interest

Please refer to the attached call guidelines for detailed information on the topics and submission guidelines. [HTA Submission Guidelines]

Kindly email by 24 September 2024 to express your interest.