Month: July 2019

Call for Proposals: PCIEERD 2020 Call for Proposals

We are pleased to announce that the Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD) of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is ready to accept research and development (R&D)/Science and Technology (S&T) proposals for 2020. This call for proposals is for specific priority areas identified in the Harmonized National R&D Agenda (HNRDA) 2017-2022.

Scope of R&D Work:

1. Integrated and Intelligent Sensors and Actuators (IISA) for Intelligent Factories;

2. Convergence of Philippine Technologies for Smarter City Development;

3. Energy Storage Module;

4. Renewable Energy and Energy-Efficient Technologies; 5. Development of a Prototype for Ballast Water Treatment and Ships’ Biofouling Control and Management.

Attached is the Call for Proposals for more information or you can visit

The deadline for submission of proposals is on August 02, 2019. For inquiries, kindly coordinate with the Research Grants Administration Office (, 567-2054)

Thank you for your continued interest in health research and development.

National Commission for Culture and The Arts: 2020 Call for Research Proposal Competitive Grants

We are pleased to announce that the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) is now accepting proposals for 2020. The project objective is to educate the community on the importance of healthy and sustainable living by creating a communal garden that will utilize indigenous/local species of edible and ornamental plants.

Attached is the Call for Proposal for your reference. You may visit this link: for more information.

The deadline for submission of proposals is on July 31, 2018. For inquiries, kindly coordinate with the Research Grants Administration Office (, 567-2054)

Thank you for your continued interest in health research and development.