Day: September 4, 2018

CALL FOR PROPOSALS Newborn Screening Research Grants


The Department of Health (DOH) recognizes the importance of research in the improvement and success of the Philippine newborn screening program. To ensure that basic, clinical and psycho-socio-cultural researches related to the newborn screening program are undertaken, DOH issued Department Memoranda on 9 August 2010, 2 September 2014 and 25 January 2016. The Memoranda directed the Newborn Screening Reference Center (NSRC) to oversee this research agenda. The NSRC has delegated the administration of the research grants to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) with the assistance of the UP Manila Research Grant Administration Office (RGAO). Consequently, the Philippine newborn screening program is expected to generate researches that would help improve newborn screening processes/services, improve patient outcome, and explore new knowledge in newborn screening.


The NIH is pleased to announce this ‘Call for Research Proposals’ on behalf of the NSRC’s Research Grant initiative for 2018-2019.
The grant proposal/application process is open to institutions, groups, consultants, trainees (fellows, residents, medical students, non-medical undergraduate students, graduate students). Trainees must have a faculty co-investigator.


Initial budget earmarked for the first cycle (2018-2019) is Php 50 million. Funding is available for multi-year projects.


A. Topics for proposals

1. Short term and long term outcome studies for patients affected with any of the disorders in the newborn. screening panel*
2. Burden of disease studies of conditions in the newborn screening p anel*
3. Determinants on decisions regarding acceptance of newborn screening among various stakeholders (e.g. parents, physicians, nurses, midwives, etc)
4. Acceptability of the use of residual blood spot specimens remaining after screening for research
5. Molecular analysis of metabolic disease cases from 1996-2017
6. Molecular analysis of patients diagnosed with endocrine disorders as a result of newborn screening (e.g. congenital adrenal hyperplasia, congenital hypothyroidism)

If your proposed topic is not in the list, you may still submit your capsule proposal.


B. Submission Requirement

Kindly register as a proponent @ and submit the following requirements on or before October 30, 2018:

1. Capsule Proposal (300 words – brief intro, objectives, impact of study)
2. Letter of Intent
3. CV (max 2 pages) of Lead Proponent (Principal Investigator/Project Leader)
4. Brief profile of the institution of researcher

For queries, please contact Ms. Vivian Biala or Ms. lonee lbarrientos of the Research Grants Administration Office, UP Manila at # 567-2054 or email us at

C. Selection Process

Capsule proposals will be reviewed. Feedback will be given within 2 weeks from submission of capsule proposal. Short-listed applicants will be required to submit a full proposal. Full proposals will undergo technical review. RGAO will assist with budget preparation and ethics review.

NSRC Call for Proposal (Open to All)NSRC Call for Proposal (Open to All)