The UP Manila Research Bridging Effort Fund program or BRIEF program shall provide short-term (brief) limited financial support for faculty research projects during periods when an externally funded research program/project have no funds available yet or have experienced a temporary funding gap. Funds will be used to initiate or maintain research programs/projects at a minimum “essential “level for a limited time to facilitate success in implementation.
The funding criteria shall be based on the evidence of unavailability of funds at the start of the project date or funding gap in an existing program; commitment by the unit and college to return the bridging funds as soon as funds become available, and the potential for success in re-attracting external research funding to sustain the research and scholarly activities in the future.
First step: How to avail the UPM Research BRIEF program
Memo No. CCDP-2017-033 Flowchart for availing the UPM Research Bridging Effort Funds (BRIE) Program